Leverage services like AWS Lambda, CloudFront, and S3 to handle images more effectively, optimizing performance and providing a better UX.
Set up authentication in a React Native mobile application using AWS Amplify, and learn how to customize your app’s authentication UI.
We demonstrate how to build a full-stack serverless app with SST using React, Lambda functions, and DynamoDB.
In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can simplify the implementation of authentication in Next.js by using AWS Amplify.
Learn how to use the SvelteKit Auth module to authenticate your SvelteKit apps, including processes like redirection-based logins.
AWS Cognito user pools and the Amplify framework give you an efficient and reliable authentication solution for your React apps.
Explore cloud storage services that support multipart upload by allowing you to split files into several small chunks to be uploaded sequentially or in parallel.
Strapi documentation covers how to host it on AWS, but that is not production-grade. Learn the best configurations for your Strapi database, monitoring, storage, and more.
Learn how to use AWS Cognito, AppSync, and DynamoDB to set up a multi-tenant SaaS application with a React frontend.
Learn how to use Claudia.js to deploy a serverless API to AWS and build and deploy an Express.js application to AWS Lambda.
Amplify and AWS integrations easily communicate with the backend for video on demand services, allowing you to scaffold projects with minimal cost and effort.
Here, you can learn how to set up a serverless project using the Serverless Framework by building a sample GraphQL to-do API.