A/B testing is a method of comparative analysis where two versions of a product change (A and B) are tested against each other.
Business operations refer to the day-to-day activities of a company that helps it run efficiently and generate value.
Deepa Muralikrishnan discusses how she continuously evolves products and their value propositions to meet changing factors.
Amy Saunders talks about how end-to-end customer experience is like a content supply chain, as well as the power of “and” instead of “or.”
Quality assurance (QA) is a proactive approach to ensure your products or services meet defined quality standards and customer requirements.
Rachel Chukura, Head of Consumer Product at The Weather Company, discusses how her team’s work enables users to make the best decisions.
D2C enables you to reach out to your customers directly while controlling the entire brand purchase and after sales experience.
You could say that a landing page is the modern equivalent of flyers, but not limited to their static, limited form.
By rapidly changing the set of people who make up the company, you change your company’s DNA.
In short, acceptance criteria serve as a checklist for determining whether a given ticket or user story has been fully delivered.
Craig Saldanha, Chief Product Officer at Yelp, talks about how Yelp’s value proposition is customer trust.
Team alignment is a state where team members understand, agree upon, and are committed to achieving clearly defined goals.