Check out ten Figma accessibility plugins that make creating accessible designs easy — and learn why accessibility matters so much.
This article provides a comprehensive guide on creating type-safe dictionaries in TypeScript to enhance code reliability and reduce errors.
SignalDB enables automatic data synchronization between your components and a local in-memory or persistent database.
PMs often use the words “customer delight” very loosely and fail to recognize that it isn’t an isolated moment, but a holistic experience.
Understanding how layouts, nested layouts, and custom layouts work in Next.js is crucial for building complex, user-friendly projects.
Working on user experience can be difficult, even in a team — this is doubly true when you have to work through UX challenges alone.
Kevin Sakamoto discusses Dollar Shave Club’s transition from a 100-percent subscription-based model to a hybrid one.
The acronym AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. The AIDA model is a marketing funnel representing a customer’s journey.
Let’s journey back to Adobe Spectrum’s pioneering days and delve into the enhancements that Spectrum 2 brings to the table.
Ayan Basu talks about what it’s like to work on a product that spans more than 160 countries and differs slightly in various markets.
Extract YouTube video data using OpenAI and LangChain for quick, cost-effective insights without watching the videos.
Availability heuristics refer to your brain preferring to use information that’s readily available at the expense of being comprehensive.