Making product decisions that don’t scale may sound counterintuitive, but it can be essential for the long-term success of your product
Felix Del Resoario discusses how he leverages the co-creation model to tailor opportunities to individuals’ career paths on his team.
Build scalable microservices with Node.js and MongoDB, understanding architecture differences, real-time data syncing, and inter-service communication.
Great design needs great content. In this blog, we talk about how UX designers and writers collaborate to create user experiences that truly work.
Learn about open-source and free email editors that streamline template creation, and then check out how to test them.
Learn about React Fiber, an internal engine change geared to make React faster and smarter by solving the DOM tree issue.
Customer observation helps you understand their pain points, needs, user patterns, and in general what works for them versus what doesn’t.
Build a REST API with Node.js, Express, and MySQL. This guide covers database setup, routing, and CRUD operations for backend development.
The future of UX design isn’t all doom and gloom. In this blog, I reflect on how AI and layoffs can lead to new opportunities for UX designers.
Build a data analysis app with Rust and Polars to explore large datasets and expose powerful queries through a REST API.
in TypeScriptThe infer keyword and conditional typing in TypeScript allow us to take a type and isolate it for later use. Learn more here.
A developer relations specialist — also called DevRel — is a cross-section between a community manager and a product marketing manager.