Ejiro Asiuwhu
Jun 14, 2024 ⋅ 19 min read

How to use Auth.js for client-side authentication in Next.js

Ejiro Asiuwhu Software engineer with a drive for building highly scalable and performant web applications. Heavily interested in module federation, micro frontends, state machines, TDD, and system designs. Big on web performance and optimization, advanced component design patterns, a11y, SSR, SSG, ISR, and state management. Expert at crafting highly reusable TypeScript-heavy component libraries.

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13 Replies to "How to use Auth.js for client-side authentication in Next.js"

  1. Really great article 😊 I really enjoyed reading it and it makes me want to switch to Next.js. I was wondering why you called this client-side rather than severless? Is the authentication not done server side by SSR? I really apologize if I’m wrong, I’m just trying to understand the authentication flow.

  2. website: next-auth.js
    Example code : next-auth-example
    npm package : next-auth

    But it is called NextAuth.js and not next-auth.js as one could guess from all your urls.

    Am I missing something here ?

  3. Unhandled Runtime Error
    Error: React Context is unavailable in Server Components

    Call Stack

    can you please resolve this error

    1. Use the “use client” flag at the top of the file.
      That error is showing up because “SessionProvider” is using react context which is a client component and for it to work, you must mark the file as a client component with the flag above.

      You are using react 13.+.+ I believe

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