Learn how to build a custom audio and video recorder in React using the native HTML MediaRecorder API and MediaStream API.
We demonstrate how to implement polymorphism in Rust using static dispatch, dynamic dispatch, and enums, and we discuss the tradeoffs of each approach.
Build a simple API using the Gorilla Mux package, with its diverse features, as a router for your apps.
CSS will-change can hurt the performance of your website or application if used incorrectly. Here we review best practices for optimization.
Using the Slice API in Gatsby projects can help enhance the speed of incremental builds, improving your site performance and productivity.
This article will look to handle events in React through event delegation, propagation, bubbling, capturing, and SyntheticEvents in React.
We demonstrate how to use higher-order functions to write Rust code that is more concise and easier to maintain in the long run.
patternExplore the lazy_static pattern in Rust, in which a value is only initialized when it is first accessed, and the pros and cons of using it.
Learn how to use Node.js child_process modules to move CPU-bound and memory-intensive tasks off the main thread to improve app efficiency.
In-app alerts provide your application users with real-time information; Firebase Cloud Messaging is a cross-platform messaging system that is a great tool for sending push notifications to your client app.
In this article, we’ll learn about the Reapop API and build a simple React app to implement notifications with Reapop.
Learn how to initialize state and implement advanced React component patterns using React Hooks like useState and the key property.