Tag: rust

Building a REST API in Rust with warp

Building a REST API in Rust with warp


Warp is a minimal and efficient web framework for building HTTP-based web services in Rust. Learn how to build a REST API in Rust with warp.

Bastian Gruber
Feb 8, 2023 ⋅ 9 min read
Making Rust Async Data Types Memory Safe Pinning

Pinning Rust async data types for memory safety


We investigate different methods for implementing pinning with async data in Rust and look at how to safely access pinned data.

Ahmad Rosid
Feb 2, 2023 ⋅ 9 min read
Building A Parser In Rust Using Pest

Building a Rust parser using Pest and PEG


In this article, we explored Pest — a Rust parser generator — and why we need to use parser generators to generate parsers.

Yashodhan Joshi
Feb 1, 2023 ⋅ 16 min read
Comparing Rust IDEs Like IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code, And More

Comparing Rust IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code, and more


Let’s look at ten of the best Rust IDEs and code editors, along with useful packages and plugins like IntelliJ Rust.

Samson Omojola
Feb 1, 2023 ⋅ 10 min read
Using Sdl2 Bindings In Rust For Game Development

Using SDL2 bindings in Rust for game development


Let’s use the rust-sdl2 crate to create a simple snake game that demonstrates the features of the new SDL2.0 libraries.

Paulo Henrique Cuchi
Jan 30, 2023 ⋅ 11 min read
Using Rust With Axum For Error Handling

Using Rust with Axum for error handling


Get a refresher on using Rust and Axum to build a web service, along with how to use this framework to handle error responses.

Oduah Chigozie
Jan 24, 2023 ⋅ 5 min read
Rust Panic Vs Error

panic! vs. error in Rust


All in all, Rust has two kinds of errors, an error value returned from the Result type, and an error generated from triggering the panic! macro.

Austin Roy Omondi
Jan 10, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Create API Rust SQLite Rocket

Create an API in Rust with SQLite and Rocket


This tutorial shows how to build a to-do API using Rocket and Diesel. Learn how Rust handles connections to a SQLite database using Rocket.

MacBobby Chibuzor
Jan 3, 2023 ⋅ 6 min read
Optimize Rust Code With Closures Environment Capturing

Optimizing your Rust code with closures: Environment capturing


Learn about environment capturing in Rust with closures and how you can use closures to optimize your code.

Ikeh Akinyemi
Dec 30, 2022 ⋅ 7 min read
Practical use cases for Rust tuples

Practical use cases for Rust tuples


Learn how and when to use tuples, structs, and tuple structs in Rust to return multiple results from your functions.

Matteo Di Pirro
Dec 26, 2022 ⋅ 5 min read
How To Choose The Right Rust HTTP Client

How to choose the right Rust HTTP client


Explore the main features of six Rust HTTP clients, including reqwest and libcurl, and how to make GET and POST requests with each.

Michiel Mulders
Dec 21, 2022 ⋅ 8 min read
Rust Builder Pattern API

How to build a Rust API with the builder pattern


The Rust build pattern is deceptively simple: create an object that can hold all values and let it create our type when all the required fields are present.

Andre Bogus
Dec 16, 2022 ⋅ 7 min read