Hypergrowth happens when a company experiences an exceptionally rapid rate of expansion, typically more than 40 percent annual growth.
Impact mapping is a lightweight, collaborative planning technique for teams that want to make a big impact with software products.
When it comes to managing a product, you need to find the right balance between innovation and optimization.
Without a clear prioritization strategy, your team will struggle to tackle competing demands and can end up confused and misaligned.
What exactly is founder mode, and is it really better than manager mode? Let’s discuss what this phenomenon could mean for the PM world.
Data-driven road mapping refers to the process of using quantitative and qualitative data to create a roadmap for a digital product.
A sequence diagram is composed of several key components that provide a clear and detailed view of how system elements collaborate over time.
Product metrics are quantitative measures used to evaluate product performance and identify actionable insights.
Spending enough time to understand the underlying problems of your users is the key to success in product management.
A product roadmap is a visual version of your long-term product strategy. It shows the mission and vision of your product in summary.
A product theme is a high level determinator of the activities you’re planning to achieve that connects all the tasks of a product.
A business plan aims to align stakeholders, minimize uncertainties, and increase the likelihood of product success in the market.