One of the biggest hidden benefits of GraphQL is its human-friendliness.
The useLocalStorageState Hook makes it easier to persist data in the browser by abstracting the use of localStorage into a React Hook.
Learn how treat can help you reduce CSS-in-JS runtime overhead while simultaneously providing legacy browser support and type safety.
This post compares React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, Ionic, and NativeScript based on setup, documentation, hot reloading, and debugging.
Learn how SQLite can be used in development alongside other relational databases like Postgres.
In this article, we will be taking a look at some of the features and improvements on the previous versions, coming to version 8 of Babel.
In this post, we’ll go over the concepts involved in implementing passwordless authentication with Auth0 and Twilio in a React Native application.
NestJS forces us to write more easily testable code through its built-in dependency injection, which makes unit testing with Jest a painless process.
This article will show you a few different ways to handle form values in React. We’ll look at useState, custom Hooks, and, finally, no state at all!
Gone are the days when creating a new project meant simply using Rails. With Blitz, you can deploy your application as a single entity and add advanced technologies on your terms and at your own pace.
Learn how to use API routes to set up a GraphQL API within a Next.js app.
You won’t read much about them in the countless blog posts about GraphQL scattered across the web, but directives are among the most powerful features of the popular query language.