Ovie Okeh
Sep 14, 2021 â‹… 16 min read

React and Stripe payment system tutorial

Ovie Okeh Programming enthusiast, lover of all things that go beep.

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12 Replies to "React and Stripe payment system tutorial"

  1. hey ovie, I follow along your tutorial but running the npm run dev is not display the app instead it is showing “Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘D:\document-disk(d)\Stripe\react-stripe-payment\build\index.html”. I clone from your GitHub the project but it is the same error. Could you look in to it. thanks

    1. Hi Ermias,

      Sorry for the error you encountered. Run `npm run build` and then run `npm run dev`. Go to localhost:7000 to see the application.

      That would help.

  2. Thanks, Ovie! Such a beautiful explanation.

    A small tip for a question that may arise at any time from a reader: if you’re getting the “secret key” from your environment (since you’re using dotenv) when initializing your stripe, remember to call the `dotenv.config()` before importing your `stripe.js` module, so that environment variables can be processed before being used.

    1. Fill in 4242 4242 4242 4242 for the Card details field

      The checkout page will display a “Payment Successful!” UI.

  3. This method has a security issue, the frontend is setting the amount, so I can basically pay via API and choose the amount I want, I also could rewrite you array of products to put 0 amount.

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