Faraz Kelhini
Nov 29, 2023 â‹… 12 min read

How to make HTTP requests with Axios

Faraz Kelhini JavaScript developer.

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5 Replies to "How to make HTTP requests with Axios"

  1. You should also note that axios can also be used on the server with node.js – probably one of my favorite higher level HTTP libraries.

    One of the better qualities when using it on the server is the ability to create an instance with defaults – for example sometimes I’ll need to access another REST API to integrate another service with one of our products, if there is no existing package or the existing package doesn’t support the end points I need to access I’ll just create an abstraction which internally uses a http client created by axios.create():

    const instance = axios.create({
    baseURL: ‘https://api.example.org/’,
    headers: {‘Some-Auth-Header’: ‘token’}


  2. This post says nothing about the responseType parameter, which can stream a large binary file.

  3. Got a question about accessing the data outside of the axios.spread. What I am doing is using node to collate some data from disparate API calls and return one dataset. I do the two calls, create a new object and return it.
    The new object exists within the AXIS code block but when I try and view outside it is blank.

    I also tried to do this in a function with a return but it also returns a blank.

    let retData = {};
    .all([reqDevInfo, reqConInfo])
    axios.spread((resDevInfo,resConInfo ) => {
    retData.status = 200;
    retData.deviceName = deviceName
    retData.tenant = resDevInfo.data.results[0].tenant.name;
    retData.ru = resDevInfo.data.results[0].position;
    retData.TServerName = resConInfo.data.results[0].connected_endpoint.device.name;
    retData.TServerPort = resConInfo.data.results[0].cable.label;
    console.log(retData); // this print the expected data

    .catch(errors => {
    // react on errors.


    console.log(retData) // this is blank

  4. How can I build or append data elements to a post request before I send the request?
    I have optional 4 optional parameters and there are too many combinations to code for all the variations.

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