Boris Logvinsky talks about the importance of building context and understanding customer challenges when you move between industries.
Customer behavior analysis (CBA) is the study of how individual customers, groups, or segments act when interacting with your product.
While frameworks have clear benefits, it’s important to understand how and when to use them, as they are often overused or used in the wrong context or setting.
All the metrics, data, and analysis you made will make a difference, but success isn’t always directly proportional to the effort you put in.
Nupur Srivastava, COO of Included Health, talks about using the number of days a member considers themselves healthy as a North Star.
Customer sentiment is about understanding the customer. It delves into why customers behave the way they do and what matters to them.
Failing to identify or understand a problem is, when it boils down to it, the main reason why most businesses fail.
Juan Gabbaro discusses how product leadership should drive vertical alignment, but the product team should drive cross-functional alignment.
Improving your customer experience enhances customer satisfaction and boosts business growth and customer retention.
Josh Engleka talks about how his team at Lowe’s takes a unique perspective because they are all customers, as well as employees.
This position mentors junior product managers, conducts market research, and monitors product performance.
Justina Cho talks about the importance of customer journey maps and goes through best practices for creating them.