#agile and scrum#project management
Antonio da Fonseca Neto
Dec 27, 2022 ⋅ 7 min read

Agile vs. waterfall: Comparing project management cultures

Antonio da Fonseca Neto Global PM managing products since 2018 | Sharp and witty takes on everyday topics regarding all things product management

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3 Replies to "Agile vs. waterfall: Comparing project management cultures"

  1. With all due respect, there were so many parts of this blog that did not make sense.

    For example, the part that said: “ My point here is that despite their differences, agile and waterfall are somewhat interchangeable and, to some extent, the same. Waterfall and agile culture are different forms of managing software projects, but they are made of the same constituent concept: people managing people.”

    I have been leading Agile transformations and initiatives for 15+ years and I never used my Agile practices to manage people. I leverage Agile practices to deliver value to customers/end users faster and better. Also I suppose that after doing Agile for so long I don’t view it as a way to project manage software projects. I could go on… but I suppose I’ve made my point and I’ll step away from the podium now and be be quiet 🙂


    1. Hi Max!
      Thanks for the feedback.

      I see your point, but that was not my angle when talking about “people managing people”.
      Process doesn’t exist inside a void. It’s dependent on people. Although managing process is different from managing a 1:1 relation between leader and employee, it’s all about organizing people around an objective.

      As for Agile not being a tool for project management, interesting point of view. It’s undeniable that Agile as a philosophy is grater than a tool, but this might be a perception that you have as a scholar, not necessarily from the average joe close to the “factory floor”.

      Anyway, constructive comments! Hope my response helped to better frame my stance on the topic.

  2. Future readers, just walk away. This is a close-minded author who basically states a one way argument of comparison.

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