Frank Joseph
Jan 26, 2022 â‹… 6 min read

Ethereum vs. Flow blockchain for NFT development

Frank Joseph I'm an innovative software engineer and technical writer passionate about the developer community. I'm interested in building applications that run on the internet.

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2 Replies to "Ethereum vs. Flow blockchain for NFT development"

  1. Errors:

    1. “Anonymous: all participants on the blockchain are anonymous or identified by a pseudonym” Not true, some go as far as proving their identity using it
    2. “Security: All records on the blockchain are encrypted” Not true, they are all cleartext by default, encrypting on chain records is considered an incredibly poor security practice
    3. “All network participants have a record of every transaction” Not true at all, most just keep track of the state and use it as part of the transaction execution process but the tx themselves are not stored, in the case of Flow, most don’t even do that.
    4. “Immutability: Transactions on the blockchain network are irreversible and cannot be changed” not always true on the tx side, but also not true at all in the execution side as that is determined by the SmC
    5. “Timestamp: Every transaction is recorded with the time the transaction occurs” The transactions don’t hold timestamps, the blocks where they are organized do
    6. “Distributed: Every participant agrees to the validity of each record on the network” That’s not what distributed is, but also not always, IE: most modern Bitcoin transactions lead to different executions to different nodes, forks, consensus updates etc. And they don’t agree on validity, they agree on the rules to be followed.
    7. “Programmable: All blockchains are programmable. Ethereum use Solidity, Flow uses Cadence, and Bitcoin uses Bitcoin Script to build smart contracts” This is not true, Ethereum can use several languages, but also Bitcoin is not programmable, you can build off chain SmCs but not modify the state to add execution logic like Ethereum or Flow.
    8. “An NFT is a unique, irreplaceable, and non-interchangeable token” None of those are inherently true and there are examples of NFTs that don’t meet that criteria
    9. “NFTs are cryptographic assets with a unique identity on the blockchain” Only the most basic standard follows this
    10. “NFTs are a digital representation of real-world objects, like artwork or real estate” Not true, we can have digitally native assets

    IDK man, every 2 sentences there is incorrect stuff, even painting flow worse than it is, we need to strive to do better, you should get someone technologically competent to review before spreading misinformation like this

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