In this guide, we’ll focus on five new CSS features that you can already test in the stable version of at least one web browser.
Laravel 8 was released on September 8th, 2020. This release continues the improvements made in the previous release (version 7), as well as new features that include support for Jetstream, job batching, dynamic blade component, model factory classes, improved artisan serve, and many others.
In this component-driven era, MDX allows you to mix markdown and JSX seamlessly. In this article, we’ll look at how to set up and use MDX in your Vue.js/Nuxt.js projects.
JSON input validation is a core concern in any modern web application, and the Rust ecosystem already has some great tools for dealing with it.
Want to create a more responsive website? This post shows you how to employ web workers on your site to boost user satisfaction.
These are the most useful Go tools that every web developer should use for a seamless experience when coding in Go.
There’s no doubt Moment.js is one of the most popular libraries in the JavaScript ecosystem, but now that it’s considered a legacy project in maintenance mode and its use is discouraged, you may be looking for some alternatives.
This tutorial shows you how to boost accessibility with Lighthouse audits, Chrome’s accessibility pane, and other features to improve user retention on your site and meet your users unique needs.
Here’s how to integrate Lingui.js with a React app and add internationalization capabilities to your application.
Check out this guide to Nim and Python to decide which program is best for your project.
In this guide, we’ll compare some of the most popular and stable database drivers and ORMs available for Rust.
Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular frameworks for server-side development, but here are 11 powerful alternatives to try.