Rishabh Rawat
Nov 24, 2022 â‹… 8 min read

Build a durable pub-sub with Kafka in Node.js

Rishabh Rawat Rishabh is a full-time Software Engineer, GSoC '19 participant, and GCI '18 mentor. He writes about backend web development biweekly. Find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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8 Replies to "Build a durable pub-sub with Kafka in Node.js"

  1. >This helps in replaying or resyncing your applications and certain operations

    I tend to disagree, as complex applications involve integrations with 3p services, and replaying events might cause inconsistencies on those services if invoked multiple times (in longer periods of time). Events which represent business facts should be handled, processed and consumed only once. However, I agree on the auditing part, but in a distributed, service-oriented architecture, that should be framed as a proper service.

    1. Yes, replaying the events is only possible when all of the external services or vendors have idempotent APIs.

      Absolutely. Replaying Kafka events should not be a go-to for compensating request failures. If unexpected failures happen frequently, the API design needs to be relooked at.

  2. Hi, i am getting below issue after running first command..

    Connection to node -1 (localhost/ could not be established. Broker may not be available. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)

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