Ogundipe Samuel
Apr 14, 2023 ⋅ 4 min read

3 ways to implement infinite scroll in React

Ogundipe Samuel Software engineer and technical writer.

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2 Replies to "3 ways to implement infinite scroll in React"

  1. Hi,

    I followed you & implemented the infinite scroll. I have been facing this issue.
    I have set page size 30, So for each API response I receive the 30 data. The problem is, when I open the application in big screen like TV/projector, Initial API call loads the 30 data & no scroll appear due to large screen. But I have 1000 data in Database.

    I told team, We could increase the initial page size 100, then they asked suppose after increased size What If the scroll doesn’t appear on window. More over, they want to keep page size 30 only, do not want to change.

    How to solve when I open the application in big screen, load the data until scroll appear?

  2. This error occured because you did not specify the context in which the infinite scroll should work. It defaults to the viewport if not set.

    The solution is that you pass in the root which is a selector to the options object as shown below.

    let options = {
    root: document.querySelector(“#scrollArea”),
    rootMargin: “0px”,
    threshold: 1.0,

    let observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);

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