Wisdom Ekpot
Feb 4, 2021 â‹… 5 min read

Pug.js tutorial: A beginner’s guide with examples

Wisdom Ekpot A student of Ibom Metropolitan Polytechnic studying computer engineering, Wisdom has been writing JavaScript for two years, focusing on Vue.js, Angular, and Express.js.

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5 Replies to "Pug.js tutorial: A beginner’s guide with examples"

  1. Who still implement express when it’s natively supported with vue cli or nuxt ? And vite / snowpack.

  2. I have just made `pug-vue-loader`, a replacement for `pug-plain-loader` that allows you to use _proper_ pug syntax in your Vue pug templates, to access Vue state in native pug `each`/`for` blocks, as well as `if`/`else` etc… and also use proper pug variable interpolation eg `li= someVarFromVue` or `li normal text #{someVarFromVue}`

    If you like real pug syntax and want to use its first-class loops/conditionals etc in your Vue templates, check it out:


    As an example, instead of this:


    li(v-for=”item in items”)
    a(v-if=”item.type == ‘link'” :href=”item.url”) some link title: {{item.title}}
    p(v-else) {{item.content}}

    // …Vue component JS

    The `pug-vue-loader` lets you do this:


    for item in items
    if item.type == ‘link’
    a(:href=”item.url”) some link title: #{item.title}
    p= item.content

    // …Vue component JS

    Since it’s new, would like to get people using it, reporting any issues etc. Cheers

  3. this tutorial doesnt run. First you get errors that babel core was installing the wrong version, then you get vue not found in node_modules so the import would fail when you try to build. After I fix those I get a 404 error when the home.pug tries to load the script.

  4. Thank you for this tutorial.
    As of today, still the same. The first part is working. But then installing Vue and trying to use webpack, no file public/js/home.bundle.js gets compiled when running

    npm run dev

    So either fix this tutorial or mark it as outdated?

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