A dictionary will define animation as the illusion of motion. Like cartoons, animations are multiple drawings filmed in succession to create the illusion of movement. Animations are used to make websites more engaging and can be used to draw the user’s attention, oftentimes showing that a button is clickable.
Animations can be subtle or elaborate — you decide. In this post, we’ll look at timing functions. Timing functions help control how animations behave over a specified duration. Before we go further, let’s look at the CSS properties responsible for creating animations in the first place.
There are two ways to animate web elements in CSS: the animation
and transition
The animation
property allows you to change the properties of an element over a specific duration, while transition
defines how an element changes over a specific duration.
You might be wondering, what’s the difference? I’ll tell you. animation
needs @keyframes
, meaning a start and endpoint must be specified. Keyframes are used for multistep animations.
Simpler web animations can be created using transition
. The animation must be triggered by something, like a click or :hover
and transition
are shorthands for an array of properties that control duration, delay, iteration, etc. But, as stated earlier, this post will focus solely on timing functions.
Timing functions define how web elements behave at each frame of an animation. The animation-timing-function
and transition-timing-function
can stand alone as separate CSS properties or be included as a value in the animation
or transition
shorthand property.
So, you could have your animation
like this:
animation: <name> <duration> <timing-function>;
Or like this:
animation-name: name; animation-duration: 500ms; animation-timing-function: ease;
The same with transition
transition: <property> <duration> <timing-function>;
transition-property: transform; transition-duration: 500ms; transition-timing-function: ease;
The transition-timing-function
specifies the speed curve of a transition effect. A curve, graphically, is a connection of multiple points. Each transition
period is divided into points that make up the speed curve.
There are six transition-timing-functions
in CSS, and they include:
/li>These are also called easing functions.
timing functionlinear
animations move at a constant speed. This function isn’t exactly an easing function, as there’s no variation from start to finish. The speed curve will be a straight line graph.
timing functionAnimations with the ease
function start slowly, speed up, and then end slowly. This is the default timing function used if no timing function is added to the animation.
The speed of the animation at the end is slower than at the start.
Let’s demonstrate these two timing functions. We’re going to have a race across the stars!
Meet our racers, ease
and linear
Let’s use a simple HTML markup:
<body> <div class="container"> <div class="rockets rocket-1"><img src="Rocket1.png"></div> <div class="rockets rocket-2"><img src="Rocket2.png"></div> </div> </body>
Then some basic CSS:
body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } *{ box-sizing: border-box; } .container{ width: 100%; height: 300px; background: rgba(224,214,233, 0.5) } .rockets{ width: 500px; height: 100px; transition-duration: 2s; transition-property: transform; display: flex; align-items: center; } .rockets img{ height: 100px; border-right: 1px solid red;/*To track the speed easily*/ }
Now, we’ll add the animation property; the trigger is going to be :hover
.container:hover .rockets{ transform: translateX(500px); } .rocket-1{ transition-timing-function: linear; } .rocket-2{ transition-timing-function: ease; }
The resulting animations:
See the Pen
Linear vs Ease timing function by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
At first glance, it looks like ease
is faster than linear
, but they both have the same animation-duration
. When you watch closely, you’ll see that they both end at the same point. It seems we have a tie!
, ease-out
, and ease-in-out
timing functionsAnimations with the ease-in
timing function start slow and speed up towards the end. ease-out
is the opposite, with a fast start and slow end.
animations start slow, speed up in the middle, and end slow. This is similar to the ease
timing function, but here the curve is symmetrical. The speed of the animation at the start is equal to the speed at the end.
Ready for the second race?
.rocket-1{ transition-timing-function: ease-in; } .rocket-2{ transition-timing-function: ease-out; } .rocket-3{ transition-timing-function: ease-in-out }
Ready, set, :hover
, and go!
See the Pen
Ease-in, Ease-out and Ease-in-out by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
timing functionThe cubic Bezier curve is defined by control points that draw a smooth curve. All easing functions have Bezier curves.
The linear
timing function is a Bezier curve with only two control points. It can also be a quadratic curve, with three control points.
and P3
must be within 0
and 1
. P2
and P4
can be as high as possible and can also hold negative values. It’s best to keep all control points between -1
and 1
to avoid super jerky and bouncy animations.
Let’s demonstrate. We’ll go with random values for the control points.
.rocket-1{ transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.66,.39,.21,.67); } .rocket-2{ transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(1,-0.42,.42,-0.39); } .rocket-3{ transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.57,1.34,.21,0); }
Hover on the rockets to see the result:
See the Pen
Cubic-bezier timing function by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
You can choose to manually enter the values for the control points, but it might take time to find the right easing for your animation. There are two ways you can choose the perfect cubic-bezier()
speed: using the inspector tool or using a cubic Bezier generator.
First, the animated element should be given any timing function. Access the dev tools by right clicking on the web element and selecting Inspect or Inspect element, depending on the browser.
If you’re using the animation
or transition
shorthand keyword, there will be a dropdown icon beside the property name. Click that to reveal a list of multiple property values that include the timing function. Otherwise, you have it as a separate property.
You’ll find a curve icon beside the name of the timing function that opens up a cubic Bezier editor. You can compare the default easing functions.
Or cycle through their variations. Click on and adjust the handles to get the cubic-bezier()
. There’s a visualizer to help you decide.
When you find a suitable speed curve, copy the cubic-bezier()
and paste it into your project.
Head over to cubic-bezier.com and you’ll find a great tool that helps you create Bezier speed curves. Play with the handles until you get a curve you like. Preview and compare with the default easing functions. Copy and paste into your project and you’re all set!
The animation-timing-function
specifies the speed curve of an animation. Déjà vu. The animation
property is divided into @keyframes
, like the FPS (frames per second) of a camera. The animation-timing-function
can work with any of the easing functions, as well as three other timing functions: step-end
, step-start
, and steps
When an easing function is used with the animation
property it must have @keyframes
with a start and end point. Since we already know how the easing functions work, let’s look at a more practical example to demonstrate how an easing function could be used with the animation
We’re going to create some scroll animations. The elements will come into view as you scroll down the page.
See the Pen
scroll animation timing function by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
Here, you can see all the easing functions in action as you scroll down. The HTML is straightforward.
We start with a simple setup:
<section class="container"> <h2>Ease-in, Ease-out, and Ease-in-out</h2> <div class="text-container"> <div class="text-box reveal box-3"> <h3>Ease-in</h3> <p>Random text</p> </div> <div class="text-box reveal box-4"> <h3>Ease-out</h3> <p>Random text</p> </div> <div class="text-box reveal box-5"> <h3>Ease-in-out</h3> <p>Random text</p> </div> </div> </section>
After some basic styling, each element is given its own animation
.active.box-1 { animation: box-1 1s ease; } .active.box-2 { animation: box-2 1s linear; } .active.box-3 { animation: box-3 1s ease-in; } .active.box-4 { animation: box-4 1s ease-out; } .active.box-5 { animation: box-5 1s ease-in-out; } .active.box-6 { animation: box-6 1s cubic-bezier(.66,.39,.21,.67); } .active.box-7 { animation: box-7 1s cubic-bezier(1,-0.42,.42,-0.39); } .active.box-8 { animation: box-8 1s cubic-bezier(.57,1.34,.21,0); }
All elements that will be animated have the reveal
class, which will hide the elements until the animation is triggered. You can give it any name you like.
.reveal { position: relative; opacity: 0; } .reveal.active { opacity: 1; }
The scroll animation is controlled with this JavaScript function:
function reveal() { var reveals = document.querySelectorAll(".reveal"); for (var i = 0; i < reveals.length; i++) { var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; var elementTop = reveals[i].getBoundingClientRect().top; var elementVisible = 150; if (elementTop < windowHeight - elementVisible) { reveals[i].classList.add("active"); } else { reveals[i].classList.remove("active"); } } } window.addEventListener("scroll", reveal);
The condition for triggering the animation is when the elements come into view as you scroll down. This function tracks the distance the element has scrolled on the page, elementTop
, until it reaches the predefined distance where it should be made visible, elementVisible
is the distance from the top of the viewport, and window.innerHeight
is the height of the viewport.
Next up, the @keyframes
@keyframes box-1 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes box-2 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes box-3 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes box-4 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes box-5 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes box-6 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes box-7 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes box-8 { 0% { transform: translateY(100px); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } }
, step-start
, and steps()
timing functionsThese timing functions break animations into equal sections or steps.
The step-end
timing function starts the animation after the first @keyframe
and skips a step at the end. step-start
is the opposite: the steps start as soon as the animation begins.
Let’s demonstrate how it works:
.rockets{ width: 500px; height: 100px; animation-duration: 2s; animation-name: flight; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: alternate-reverse; display: flex; align-items: center; } .rocket-1{ animation-timing-function: step-end; } .rocket-2{ animation-timing-function: step-start; } @keyframes flight{ 0%{transform: none;} 25%{transform: translateX(125px);} 50%{transform: translateX(250px);} 75%{transform: translateX(375px);} 100%{transform: translateX(500px);} }
The result:
See the Pen
step-end vs step-start by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
The step-start
rocket is a step ahead because it jumps to the first @keyframe
as soon as the animation begins.
If you want to be a bit more intricate, you can use steps()
to specify the number of steps or sections you want in your animation. For instance:
.rocket-1{ animation-timing-function: steps(5); } .rocket-2{ animation-timing-function: steps(10); } .rocket-3{ animation-timing-function: steps(20); } @keyframes flight{ 0%{transform: none;} 100%{transform: translateX(500px);} }
See the result here:
See the Pen
Steps() timing-function by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
There are keywords you can use with the steps()
timing function in addition to the number of steps:
and jump-end
work the same way as step-start
and step-end
. jump-both
means the animation skips a step at both ends. jump-none
means the animation doesn’t skip a step, and each step is evenly spaced throughout the duration.
.rocket-1{ animation-timing-function: steps(5,jump-end); } .rocket-2{ animation-timing-function: steps(5,jump-start); } .rocket-3{ animation-timing-function: steps(5,jump-both); } .rocket-4{ animation-timing-function: steps(5,jump-none); } @keyframes flight{ 0%{transform: none;} 100%{transform: translateX(500px);} }
The result is here:
See the Pen
Step jump by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
These global properties work for every CSS property. They include:
: This gives a child element the same properties of the parent if they can be inherited. If the properties aren’t inherited, they revert back to initial
: You might think using initial
is just another way of using the default value of the CSS property, but that’s not always the case. With timing functions, initial
is the same as the default value ease
: This sets the properties of an element to the default CSS values of the browserunset
: This keyword works like revert
but with a twist. It affects both inherited and non-inherited propertiesThe above elements are CSS inheritance properties. Unfortunately, animation-timing-function
and transition-timing-function
are non-inherited properties, so we won’t see anything new, but let’s look at them one after the other.
So, if the property is inherited, unset
gives it the inherit
value. And if it is non-inherited, the property is set to its initial
The following properties and functions are supported on all modern browsers:
Safari 4–5 doesn’t support any of the step
timing functions. The jump
keywords are supported on every browser except Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge 12–18, Firefox 2–64, Chrome 4–76, Safari 3.1–13.1 and Opera 10–63.
and transition-delay
)Since we’re dealing with timing, there’s a property that can be used alongside the timing functions: -delay
and transition-delay
make animations wait for a moment before they start.
You can include it with the shorthand:
animation: <name> <duration> <timing-function> <delay>; transition: <property> <duration> <timing-function> <delay>;
No matter the order of the properties, the second time value in the declaration will always be the delay property. So, if we had a declaration like this:
transition: transform 2s 1s ease;
The transition-delay
is 1s
. This also applies to animation
Let’s demonstrate with the rockets:
.rocket-1{ transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.66,.39,.21,.67); transition-delay: 500ms; } .rocket-2{ transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.66,.39,.21,.67); transition-delay: 700ms; } .rocket-3{ transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.66,.39,.21,.67); transition-delay: 1s; }
See the Pen
Delayed animation by Oscar-Jite (@oscar-jite)
on CodePen.
This could be used to load different sections of a webpage without having to define a different animation
or transition
for each section.
Animations are a great way to interact with visitors and deliver engaging content. It is important that they are kept to a minimum, however, as animating too many properties on the same webpage or at the same time can have a detrimental effect on performance. Also, I recommend keeping the duration short. One second is longer than you think, and animations should ideally be in milliseconds.
We’ve looked at how timing functions control the speed and behavior of web animations. From easing to step functions, can you see them in practical scenarios? Buttons, progress bars, text cards, and so much more can be animated. Try them out and create something great!
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