Build a secure and scalable app that allows authorized users to access resources in a controlled and protected manner by leveraging Phoenix with Guardian and JWTs.
Use Ecto, the database interface for Phoenix applications, to build an e-commerce app and better understand data migrations.
Create custom email templates using the Phoenix.Swoosh library, which lets you easily send emails to users of your site.
In the Phoenix framework, a LiveView is a special type of connection that we can return from the returned JSON and HTML routes.
Create a simple to-do list application by combining the power of a Phoenix API with the flexibility of a React application.
Learn how to add authentication to the Elixir-based Phoenix application using the flexible and secure phx.gen.auth generator.
Create a Dockerfile that serves as a starting point to deploy your Phoenix application, then customize it to fit your needs.
Build a GraphQL API using Phoenix and connect it with a React app.
Learn what Elixir is, the Phoenix web framework, and how to build REST API with Phoenix for your projects.