In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to use widgets to integrate a React component with static websites built entirely from HTML.
In this tutorial, we’ll be minting an NFT from a smart contract on Etherscan. We’ll use the mint function to mint NFTs directly using Etherscan interfaces.
Learn about the different types of factory patterns in Solidity and the benefits of using them, such as to save on gas fees associated with multiple contract deployments.
Denoflare is a small framework that lets you publish Cloudflare Workers written in Deno. Here’s how to develop, test, and deploy with it.
Learn how to use React fragments to prevent rendering unnecessary nodes in the DOM and create an optimized code.
Get started with Refine, the React-based framework for data-intensive apps with this tutorial and example build.
Svelte improves on what made us love Vue to begin with, like high performance, a lightweight and familiar templating syntax, and an easy learning curve.
Use Podium to create a micro frontend, to compile two individual Svelte applications into one application that’s easier to manage.
Learn how to use React as a Python developer with this guide and by creating a contact manager application with Flask and React.
Explore Web3 functionality with Next.js and Moralis, the ultimate Web3 development platform, in this informative tutorial.
It’s amazing how fast you can set up a web app with data persistence when you couple Firestore with React Hooks.
In this post, learn how to build microservices in Go using Gin, a lightning-fast frontend Go framework, and test them using Postman.