Peter Ekene Eze
Sep 5, 2023 â‹… 12 min read

Next.js vs. Gatsby: Comparing React frameworks

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4 Replies to "Next.js vs. Gatsby: Comparing React frameworks"

  1. Hello, first of all congratulations on the post. I have a question: I have to make a tourism blog for the government that you recommend me to use, next or gatsby and I will surely add strpi (CMS headless)

  2. Gatsby with Strapi works very well for your need.
    Now gatsby also supports incremental built using gatsby cloud. You can safely pick them even for larger multi user blogs.

  3. thank you for comparision. I want to ask , we want to develop very big CRM/ERP project and we have almost 600 pages also dynamic pages, and different behaviour for different customers. so what should we use?
    i read all gatsby can use small projects less pages , but nextjs is suitable big project for many pages application ?
    do you agreee? should we use nextjs ?

  4. This post needs an update as Gatsby Cloud is shutting down and the future of GatsbyJS looks uncertain.

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