Ibadehin Mojeed
Mar 1, 2024 ⋅ 12 min read

Modern API data-fetching methods in React

Ibadehin Mojeed I'm an advocate of project-based learning. I also write technical content around web development.

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10 Replies to "Modern API data-fetching methods in React"

    1. Hello Tribixbite,

      Thanks for reading through. This is not a list or comparison of the data fetching methods. In this guide, we did not only mention modern ways, but we also showcase how to apply these methods in our application. RTK query is good but it’s included within the installation of the core redux toolkit package and requires a separate article. While the knowledge of redux is not required, it is wise to familiarize yourself with redux. This, I thought would be another layer of complexity for beginners. Moreover, its functionality is similar to React Query, and also takes inspiration from tools like React Query. Anyway, we have an article that covers what it is and how to use it here, https://blog.logrocket.com/rtk-query-future-data-fetching-caching-redux/

      Thank you.

      1. If I can add my 2 cents … I completely agree with what @Ibaslogic has written. At work we use RTK Query. Saying the learning curve is steep doesn’t even come close to accurately describing it. I do understand its advantages but there is a development cost to adopt it.

        I’ve never used React Query but it’s not the silver bullet solution either: https://medium.com/duda/what-i-learned-from-react-query-and-why-i-will-not-use-it-in-my-next-project-a459f3e91887

        And don’t even get me started about React Hook Form (RHK). Though different subject matter, I’ve carefully observed experienced developers, who were strong advocates and supposed experts with RHK take 100% – 400% longer to implement relatively simple forms in React.

        New technologies are absolutely great but developers often have a difficult time keeping their egos and reputations out of the equation when defending technologies that they like to use. For smaller startups, who don’t have unlimited budgets, adopting such “new shiny objects” can potentially destroy a team and the business.

  1. btw, it took me a while to find this in the official documentation: I’d like to point out an important detail: passing a second arugment “[]” to the useEffect(…) function is VERY IMPORTANT. This non-obvious trick makes this specific effect function run only once. Otherwise the function passed to useEffect will be executed every time the component’s state is modified. So the fetch code runs into an infinite loop, if this is omitted.

    1. Hi Steinbach,

      Thank you for your input. It was stated in this tutorial that the effect with ‘[]’ will run and fetch data on a component mount, that is, on the first render. That is basic React fundamentals.

      To expand on how the useEffect(…) works:

      Naturally, the effect runs after every completed render. That is, on the first component render and after it detects a state or props changes in the dependency array. If we leave the dependency array empty, React will skip any form of re-rendering and only execute the effects once.

      useEffect(() => {
      // effect here
      }, []);

      However, we must only leave the array empty if the effect does not use a value from the rendered scope. In other words, the effect doesn’t use values from inside the component. If the effect use component values like props, state, or event functions, we must include them as dependencies in the array.

      We mustn’t be tempted to empty the array while the effect uses the component’s values. Going against this rule gives React a false impression that the effect doesn’t depend on any component’s value. Whereas, it does! We must leave React to decide when to re-run a component; ours is to pass every necessary hint through the dependencies array.

      Thank you.

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