David Herron
Jun 16, 2022 ⋅ 17 min read

Font Awesome icons in Vue.js apps: A complete guide

David Herron Software engineer and author. Passionate about Node.js, climate change, EV’s, and clean energy.

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10 Replies to "Font Awesome icons in Vue.js apps: A complete guide"

  1. very nice!!, do you know how to use icons imported like that in vuetify components? like delimiter and prev/next buttons of carousel?

  2. Great and helpful read, just wish I read more before implementing the first way realizing it wouldn’t work for the purpose I needed it for.. thank you though.

  3. Great article, it really gave me some insight and helped getting me started. However I couldn’t get approach 004 to work the way you did in the example.

    Instead of the in in the App.vue, I added an import in main.js:

    import ‘@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css’;

  4. How about when you want to have an icon inside of an input. There doesn’t seem to be a way to align it properly

  5. Very helpful, but not complete 😉 I’ve succeeded using the free solid library, but only in my views, NOT in my custom components, in there they don’t work anymore T-T do you have any idea how to fix that?

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