Leonardo Maldonado
Jan 6, 2023 â‹… 8 min read

When to use Flexbox and when to use CSS Grid

Leonardo Maldonado Fullstack developer. JavaScript, React, TypeScript, GraphQL.

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15 Replies to "When to use Flexbox and when to use CSS Grid"

  1. Thank you for your explanation, one of the best i found on the internet. I have a concern on the css code for the grid explanation. Thank you and good work !

  2. Great article, explains things well.
    Having visual examples of what your css code would look like on a webpage would make this post pure gold.

  3. Excellent article; too bad it fails accessibility tests; light orange type on a light grey background? Building readable websites is also our responsibility as web developers.

  4. Very nice. I’m definately going to use this to up my layout game. One thing, though.

    You really need to explain what’s going on with column and row values of “x / y”. You put it out there, but you didn’t explain what it means or how it works.

  5. I don’t think that’s the point of this article. The point here is to understand layout using Grid and Flexbox.

  6. This is the best article I’ve read about flex box vs CSS grid so far! Flexbox isn’t the right tool for every layout job, but as you’ve shown, it can often be made to work similarly, Grid too have advantages and disadvantages.

  7. I’ve always thought of grid this way but I wasn’t quite sure. It is really handy to use grid as layout since you can manage your layout much faster and more efficient rather than adding a row/col class to individual elements, which is often how you would work with flexbox.

  8. Thanks for the great article do you mind if i translate this article in korean and post it on my blog ?
    I will not be making any money out of your article make sure have referernce with it


    1. Thanks so much for reading! It’s our policy to politely decline requests to translate and republish our content.

  9. “…another thing that’s very helpful in CSS grid, that we don’t have in Flexbox, is the gap property”
    To my knowledge, Flexbox also has the gap property.

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