Using a component-based frontend makes developing web apps easier and more manageable. Developers can build a decent app in a matter of hours with frameworks like Vue.js, React, and Angular.
Additionally, developers often use UI libraries with pre-made components, such as Vuetify, to speed up and facilitate the development process even more.
In this tutorial, we’ll explore one of the best Vue-based UI component libraries called PrimeVue and how to use it with Vue 3 to create a sample app. We will cover:
PrimeVue is a member of a family of open source UI component libraries provided by PrimeTek.
Besides the PrimeVue component library, PrimeTek also provides versions for Java (PrimeFaces), Angular (PrimeNG), and React (PrimeReact). This is great because you can switch from one framework to another and still have almost identical components to work with.
PrimeVue provides a rich set of more than 90 responsive UI components — enough to cover a broad range of use cases. It also offers some unique components like Terminal, a text-based UI, and Dock, a navigation component.
Another benefit of PrimeVue is that it is design-agnostic, so you are not constrained to Material or Bootstrap-like styles. There are tons of different themes you can choose from for your app, or you can build your own.
PrimeVue offers great documentation for each component with dedicated examples for both Options API and Composition API. Documentation is short, clear, and easy to both follow and understand.
PrimeVue comes with some great additions to the main library, including PrimeIcons, PrimeFlex, Theme Designer, Templates, and Blocks. Let’s go over each of these in more detail.
PrimeIcons is a set of over 200 commonly used icons you can use with all Prime UI libraries. Thanks to PrimeIcons, you don’t need to add third-party packages like Font Awesome to access and display icons in your application.
PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library, similar to TailwindCSS. It is perfect match for PrimeVue.
Generally, most UI libraries (including PrimeVue) have more or less opinionated styles for their components, which are often hard to tweak. This is where a library like PrimeFlex can help.
Utility classes give you the ability to adjust or change component’s appearance quickly and easily. As a bonus, PrimeFlex seamlessly integrates with PrimeVue and other members of the family.
Theme Designer is a web-based tool that gives you complete control over how components will look in your application. If you don’t want to use PrimeFlex, then the PrimeVue Visual Theme Designer can help you to create the look and feel you are striving for.
This convenient tool requires a license to use all its features.
You can choose from a collection of Templates for your Vue app. While these templates are convenient, most of the PrimeVue templates are for purchase only, starting at around $19.
PrimeBlocks for PrimeVue is a collection of over 350 ready-to-use UI blocks, such as layouts, navigations, forms, pages, etc. Though there are some free blocks, you will need a license to access the full collection.
Note that the last three resources — Theme Designer, Templates, and PrimeBlocks — are mostly paid. However, there is plenty you can achieve through PrimeVue without needing to pay for additional features.
Now, when we have a good understanding what PrimeVue is and what goodies it provides, let’s explore how to use this library’s components.
To get started, we’ll use Vite to scaffold a new Vue project. Run the following in your terminal:
npm create vite@latest
After following the prompts to complete scaffolding, navigate to the project and install the dependencies:
cd your-project npm install
Now let’s add PrimeVue, PrimeIcons, and PrimeFlex to the project by running the following commands:
npm install primevue@^3.15.0 npm install primeicons npm install primeflex
Next, let’s look at an example of importing a PrimeVue component. Open main.js
and replace its content with the following:
import {createApp} from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config' // import PrimeVue // import CSS resources import 'primevue/resources/primevue.min.css' // core import 'primevue/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css' // theme import 'primeicons/primeicons.css' // icons import '/node_modules/primeflex/primeflex.css' // PrimeFlex import Button from 'primevue/button' // import Button component const app = createApp(App) // create new Vue app app.use(PrimeVue) // register PrimeVue app.component('Button', Button) // register Button component app.mount('#app') // mount the app
Now you can use the PrimeVue Button
component in Vue templates like this:
<Button label="Submit" />
This is how easy is to use PrimeVue components. Simply import and register them, and they are ready for use.
Note that to get code completion and snippets support for PrimeFlex utility classes, you can install the official extension for VS Code.
In this section, we’ll explore PrimeVue components further by building a simple note-taking app.
Here is a preview of what we’re going to build:
Users will be able to create, edit, and delete notes. Each note will contain a title, some content, and a tag or tags.
We will also add functionality for searching notes using a search bar and filtering them by tag, plus the ability to add notes to a “Favorites” collection, which can be explored independently.
For this app, we’ll use a bunch of PrimeVue components. To import and register these components, replace the content of main.js
file with the following:
import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config' import 'primevue/resources/primevue.min.css' import 'primevue/resources/themes/lara-dark-blue/theme.css' import 'primeicons/primeicons.css' import '/node_modules/primeflex/primeflex.css' import Panel from 'primevue/panel' import Toolbar from 'primevue/toolbar' import Button from 'primevue/button' import Dropdown from 'primevue/dropdown' import AutoComplete from 'primevue/autocomplete' import Card from 'primevue/card' import Tag from 'primevue/tag' import Dialog from 'primevue/dialog' import Inplace from 'primevue/inplace' import InputText from 'primevue/inputtext' import Editor from 'primevue/editor' import Chips from 'primevue/chips' import Tooltip from 'primevue/tooltip' const app = createApp(App) app.use(PrimeVue) app.component('Panel', Panel) app.component('Toolbar', Toolbar) app.component('Button', Button) app.component('Dropdown', Dropdown) app.component('AutoComplete', AutoComplete) app.component('Card', Card) app.component('Tag', Tag) app.component('Dialog', Dialog) app.component('Inplace', Inplace) app.component('InputText', InputText) app.component('Editor', Editor) app.component('Chips', Chips) app.directive('tooltip', Tooltip) app.mount('#app')
In the code above, we added all the necessary components, plus the Tooltip
The next step is to rename the HelloWord.vue
file inside components
directory to NotesWriter.vue
. Then, edit the App.vue
file to reflect the changed filename:
<script setup> // This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs // Check out import NotesWriter from './components/NotesWriter.vue' </script> <template> <NotesWriter /> </template>
Now, we’re ready to start the fun part.
Open the NotesWriter.vue
file and replace its content with the following:
><script setup> import { ref, reactive, computed, onMounted, watchEffect } from 'vue' // Local storage setup const STORAGE_KEY = 'notes' const notes = ref(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) || '[]')) watchEffect(() => { localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(notes.value)) }) // Get current state const currentNotes = ref() const currentNote = reactive({ id: null, title: 'Give me a name', content: '', tags: [], fav: false }) // Get notes onMounted(() => { allNotes() }) function allNotes() { currentNotes.value = notes.value } function favNotes() { currentNotes.value = notes.value.filter((note) => note.fav === true) } // Dialog logic const displayDialog = ref(false) function openDialog() { displayDialog.value = true } function closeDialog() { displayDialog.value = false } </script>
In the beginning of the code above, we imported all the Vue functions and utilities we’ll need.
Then, we set up local storage for the notes. Notes will be fetched from the local storage for the user to view or edit. The storage will then be updated on changes by using the watchEffect
The watchEffect
function runs every time any of its dependencies are changed. In our case, the dependency is the notes
Next, we defined two variables: currentNotes
will be used to display the current filtered notes collection, and currentNote
will be used when we create or edit a single note.
In the next section, we used onMounted
hook to load notes on component mounting.
With the allNotes
function, we can assign notes
to currentNotes
so we can render all created notes. With the favNotes
function, we can filter the notes
array to get all notes with the fav
key set to true
, then assign the result to currentNotes
so we can render them in the “Favorites” collection.
The last part of the code sets the logic for the Dialog
component, which we’ll use to create and edit notes.
Now, let’s add the component templates.
Put the following code after the script tag:
<template> <div> <Panel header="Notes Writer"> <Toolbar class="mb-6"> <template #start> <Button class="mr-3" label="New" icon="pi pi-plus" @click="addNote" /> <span class="p-buttonset"> <Button class="p-button-success" label="All notes" icon="pi pi-list" @click="allNotes" /> <Button class="p-button-danger" label="Favorites" icon="pi pi-heart" @click="favNotes" /> </span> </template> <template #end> <!-- Add filter and search functionality here later on --> </template> </Toolbar> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-content-around gap-3"> <div class="text-xl" v-if="!notes.length">No notes have been created yet. Hit the <b>New</b> button to create one.</div> <Card class="w-3 bg-bluegray-900 shadow-4" v-for="(note, index) in currentNotes" :key="index"> <template #title> {{ note.title }} </template> <template #subtitle> <Tag class="mr-2" :value="tag" v-for="tag in note.tags"></Tag> </template> <template #content> <div class="overflow-hidden max-h-5rem" v-html="note.content"></div> </template> <template #footer> <Button class="p-button-rounded p-button-text" v-tooltip.bottom="'Edit'" icon="pi pi-pencil" @click="editNote(note)" /> <Button class="p-button-rounded p-button-text p-button-danger" v-tooltip.bottom="'Add to Favorites'" :icon="note.fav ? 'pi pi-heart-fill' : 'pi pi-heart'" @click="note.fav = !note.fav" /> <Button class="p-button-rounded p-button-text text-red-500" v-tooltip.bottom="'Delete'" icon="pi pi-trash" @click="removeNote(note)" /> </template> </Card> </div> </Panel> <!-- Add Dialog component here later on --> </div> </template>
In the code above, we wrapped our app into a Panel
component and set the app’s title by using the header
property. Then, we used a Toolbar
component to add the necessary buttons.
We added some bottom margin to the toolbar by using the PrimeFlex utility class (mb-6
). This will add some space between the toolbar and notes.
The Toolbar
component has two slots, start
and end
, which serve to position toolbar elements on the left and right sides, respectively. We used the start
slot here to add a single button for creating new notes as well as a button set for “All notes” and “Favorites” buttons.
To use PrimeIcons, we need to add the icon
property for a particular component and set its value following this pattern: pi pi-[icon-name]
. In this case, we set the first button component’s icon like this: pi pi-plus
For each button, we assigned the corresponding function to the click
event handler.
We’ll create the addNote
button in the next section. We’ll also use the end
slot of the Toolbar
component later to add inputs for searching and filtering notes.
After taking care of the buttons in the code above, we used a wrapping div
for notes, which uses flex utility classes to style the notes properly. Then, we have another div
that shows a message if no notes have been created yet (i.e., if the notes
array is empty).
Next, we used a Card
component to represent a single note. We can iterate on currentNotes
and use the card’s slots (title
, subtitle
, content
, footer
) to populate the note’s data, using a Tag
component to render note’s tags and a v-html
directive to display the note’s content as HTML.
Finally, we used the Tooltip
directive to add a hint to each button. For the “Add to Favorites” button, we used a ternary operator to check note’s fav
value and set the appropriate icon accordingly. On each click, the note’s fav
value is changed from true
to false
or vice versa.
I’ve used a few utility classes in the above template to make the design a bit more pleasant. PrimeVue also use its own classes, which you can recognize by the p
prefix — for example, as in p-buttonset
Let’s see what we’ve done so far. Run the project with the following command:
npm run dev
When you visit the app’s address ( you should see the following in your browser window:
Pretty cool!
Add the following inside the script
// Notes actions const isNewNote = ref(false) function addNote() { isNewNote.value = true = currentNote.title = 'Give me a name' currentNote.content = '' currentNote.tags = [] currentNote.fav = false openDialog() } function editNote(note) { = currentNote.title = note.title currentNote.content = note.content currentNote.tags = note.tags currentNote.fav = note.fav openDialog() }
Here, we first set an isNewNote
variable, which will be used to define whether we are creating a new note or editing an existing one.
Next, in the addNote
function, we set up currentNote
with initial values and then opened the dialog. We also set isNewNote
to true
to indicate that we want to create a new note.
In the editNote
function, we assigned the data from edited note to the currentNote
so that when we open the dialog, it will show the edited note’s data.
Let’s add the rest of the actions:
function saveNote() { if (isNewNote.value === false) { let note = notes.value.find((note) => === let editedNote = Object.assign({}, currentNote) notes.value.splice(notes.value.indexOf(note), 1, editedNote) currentNotes.value[currentNotes.value.indexOf(note)] = editedNote } else { let newNote = Object.assign({}, currentNote) notes.value.push(newNote) isNewNote.value = false } closeDialog() } function removeNote(note) { if (currentNotes.value === notes.value) { notes.value.splice(notes.value.indexOf(note), 1) } else { notes.value.splice(notes.value.indexOf(note), 1) currentNotes.value.splice(currentNotes.value.indexOf(note), 1) } }
The saveNote
function above first checks whether we saved the edited note — in other words, if the value of isNewNote
is false
. If so, we get the note by using the
. Then we clone the currentNote
by using Object.assign()
We do this to break the link between the currentNote
and the edited note. They are linked because in JavaScript, objects are copied by reference; when we edit the source object, the copied object is updated too, and vice versa.
Then we updated our notes
and currentNotes
arrays. We need to update both for the changes to be visible when we see all notes as well as filtered notes.
If we save a new note, we push it to the notes
array and set isNewNote
back to false
In the removeNote
function, we check if currentNotes
and notes
are equal. If so, we need to update only notes
. If not, we need to update both notes
and currentNotes
for the same reason mentioned above regarding the saveNote
In the next section, we’ll use the Editor
component, which has the Quill text editor as a dependency. We need to install it first, so stop the app and run the following:
npm install quill
Now run the app again with the npm run dev
Great! Now let’s add the code for the dialog. Add the following after the Panel
<Dialog header="Note" v-model:visible="displayDialog" :breakpoints="{'960px': '75vw', '640px': '90vw'}" :style="{width: '50vw'}" :maximizable="true" :modal="true"> <Inplace :closable="true"> <template #display> <span class="text-xl">{{ currentNote.title }}</span> </template> <template #content> <InputText v-model="currentNote.title" /> </template> </Inplace> <Editor class="my-4" v-model="currentNote.content" editorStyle="height: 320px"> <template #toolbar> <span class="ql-formats"> <button class="ql-bold" v-tooltip.bottom="'Bold'"></button> <button class="ql-italic" v-tooltip.bottom="'Italic'"></button> <button class="ql-underline" v-tooltip.bottom="'Underline'"></button> </span> </template> </Editor> <span class="p-float-label"> <Chips v-model="currentNote.tags" separator="," /> <label for="chips">Add tags...</label> </span> <template #footer> <Button class="p-button-text" label="Cancel" icon="pi pi-times" @click="closeDialog" /> <Button label="Save" icon="pi pi-check" @click="saveNote" /> </template> </Dialog>
Here, we used the Dialog
component to add an editing interface for the notes. It will open a modal window in which we can edit note’s title, content, and tags. We are doing a few things with this component:
variable to open or close the dialogmodal
and maximizable
properties to true
We also used the Inplace
component for title editing along with the InputText
component. This allows the user to edit the title by simply clicking on it, then clicking the close button when finished.
Then, we used an Editor
component for the note’s content. We’ve added only three formatting buttons, which is completely enough for simple notes.
Next, we created a float-label
input where we can add tags to our notes by using the Chips
component. To add tags, we need to separate them with commas.
And lastly, we added two buttons in the footer to Cancel
note creation or Save
a created note.
Here is how the Dialog
component looks when we create a new note:
And when we edit the note:
Here is how the created note looks:
Now we can create as many notes as we wish using our app. However, as we add notes, it will become harder to find the ones you need. That’s why the last step in building the app is to add searching and filtering capabilities.
Add this code inside the script tag:
// Filter notes logic const selectedTag = ref() const tags = computed(() => { let allTags = [] => allTags = allTags.concat(note.tags)) let uniqueTags = [ Set(allTags)] return uniqueTags }) function filterNotes() { currentNotes.value = notes.value.filter((note) => note.tags.includes(selectedTag.value)) }
Here, we created a computed constant called tags
that gets all tags from all notes, then removes the repeated tags by creating a new Set()
, which can contain only unique items.
Then, we defined a filterNotes
function, which allows us to get all notes with a selected tag.
Now add the following inside the #end
template in the toolbar component:
<template #end> <div class="flex"> <Dropdown class="mr-3" v-model="selectedTag" :options="tags" placeholder="Filter by tag" @change="filterNotes" @blur="selectedTag = ''" /> </div> </template>
Here, we used a Dropdown
component to allow us to select the tag we want. On @blur
, we set the selectedTag
to an empty string so the input will be cleared.
Next, add the following inside the script
// Search notes logic const foundNotes = ref() function searchNote(event) { setTimeout(() => { if (event.query.trim().length) { foundNotes.value = notes.value.filter((note) => { return note.title.toLowerCase().startsWith(event.query.toLowerCase()) }) } }, 250) } const selectedNote = ref() function searchNotes() { currentNotes.value = [notes.value.find((note)=>note.title === selectedNote.value.title)] }
In the code above, in our searchNote
function, we first added a setTimeout
function to add a short delay before the component displays the search results.
We can use the searchNote
function to check if the input query is not empty by using the event
parameter. If the input query is not empty, we filter the notes by the query.
We then defined a searchNotes
function, which allows us to find a note by its title and put it in an array that we assign to currentNotes
The last thing we need to do is to add the AutoComplete
component in the template, which we will add after the Dropdown
<div class="flex"> <Dropdown class="mr-3" v-model="selectedTag" :options="tags" placeholder="Filter by tag" @change="filterNotes" @blur="selectedTag = ''" /> <div class="p-inputgroup"> <span class="p-inputgroup-addon"> <i class="pi pi-search"></i> </span> <AutoComplete placeholder="Search notes..." field="title" v-model="selectedNote" :suggestions="foundNotes" @complete="searchNote($event)" @item-select="searchNotes" @blur="selectedNote = ''" /> </div> </div>
In the code above, we used an AutoComplete
component with an InputGroup
component, which adds an icon before the input.
Here is how the app looks like with Dropdown
and AutoComplete
components added:
Now that we are finished with the code for our project, we can test and preview the different features we added. The image below shows the results of filtering our notes by the Vue
When we search our notes, we should see some suggestions pop up underneath the “Search notes…” placeholder:
After adding an input query, the app should display the found note, like so:
After clicking the “Favorites” button, the app should display the “Favorites” collection, like so:
As we saw, PrimeVue is a component-rich UI library that offers a complete UI building solution, unique components, easy theming, and great documentation.
We’ve gone through building a simple but functional note-taking app that uses lots of PrimeVue components. We learned how to combine them together to create the features we want for our app.
Armed with this knowledge and PrimeVue extensive documentation, you can start building your own even more complex apps. Happy coding!
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