Editor’s note: This article was last updated by Vijit Ail on 2 May 2023 to include the latest features of React Native Paper 5.0, including the SegmentedButtons
, Tooltip
, and Drawer.CollapsedItem
React Native Paper is a popular component library for building React Native apps. It provides a solution for developers who want to create visually appealing applications with minimal design skills. This tutorial will explore how to use React Native Paper to quickly develop a good-looking Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for your app. By leveraging the library’s components and customization options, we can focus on programming the core functionality and validate the feasibility of our concept.
Jump ahead:
React Native Paper helps us build a nice UI with the implementation of widely used design principles developed by Google. By providing a set of customizable components with good theming support, we can build an MVP in little to no time.
In order to show some of React Native Paper’s capabilities, I’ve created a simple application called “Crypto Info.” Note that I am using Expo in this tutorial, and the whole application code is available here on GitHub.
As always, we’ll begin by installing the library with our package manager of choice (I use Yarn here): yarn add react-native-paper
If your app was made by a React Native CLI, you also need to add SVG icons to the project:
yarn add react-native-vector-icons react-native link react-native-vector-icons
If you’re building your MVP with Expo (like I do in this example ), you can omit this step.
Now, add the Babel plugin to your babel.config.js
file for production environment, so it should look something like this:
module.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], env: { production: { plugins: ['react-native-paper/babel'], }, }, };
Most of the time, we won’t use every component from the library we’re importing. Adding this plugin helps us reduce the React Native Paper package size in the bundled production app because it only bundles with components we actually use.
We also need to install react-native-safe-area-context for handling safe area:
yarn add react-native-safe-area-context
In order to start using the package, we have to do some minimal setup first. In the App.js
file, add the following code:
import { AppLoading } from 'expo' import { Platform, StatusBar, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native' import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons' import { DefaultTheme, DarkTheme, Provider as PaperProvider } from 'react-native-paper' import { StoreProvider, Store } from './Store' const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, }, }) function App() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> {Platform.OS === 'ios' && <StatusBar barStyle="default" />} <StoreProvider> <Store.Consumer> { (value) => { const { isDarkModeOn } = value[0] return ( <PaperProvider theme={isDarkModeOn ? DarkTheme : DefaultTheme}> <AppNavigator theme={isDarkModeOn ? 'dark' : 'light'} /> </PaperProvider> ) }} </Store.Consumer> </StoreProvider> </View> ) }
For easier setup, I am using context
instead of redux
for state management inside this app. Inside a Store.Consumer
component, I render the app based on context value
. The value of isDarkModeOn
is a Boolean determining the current state of theme
being used. This setup is necessary if you want to dynamically change the color theme later. You can also use it with Redux — the setup is very similar.
Then, inside renderProps
, I return a PaperProvider
wrapper for the whole application, whose child is the AppNavigator
The AppNavigator
component theme is also dynamically changed by the same context value, but the default theme used in a navigation library like react-navigation is its own theme, not the paper theme. This is why, later, we’ll have to do a bit more setup in order to make use of DefaultTheme
and DarkTheme
colors inside our navigation components.
The PaperProvider
wrapper receives a single theme
prop based on context value — it’s either DefaultTheme
or DarkTheme
. To get things set up more quickly, I use the built-in DefaultTheme
and DarkTheme
in this tutorial. The themes can be customized or completely overridden.
After this setup, we can start building our app and make use of all of React Native Paper’s features.
For the purpose of this article, I’ve built a simple app called Crypto Info, which consists of three screens. It connects to the CoinGecko API in order to get the necessary information about cryptocurrency data.
displays a list of cryptocurrencies with basic information about each one of them. FavoritesScreen
displays a list of our favorite cryptocurrencies for easier navigation to those that interest us most. SettingsScreen
is a screen with a single setting: a theme switch component. In this part of the article, we’ll focus on the usage of React Native Paper in each screen.
is a function component that returns a list of cryptocurrencies available on the CoinGecko API. It receives a theme
prop, which is available through the withTheme
wrapper from React Native Paper. This allows us to make use of the theme set inside the PaperProvider
import React from 'react' import { View, FlatList } from 'react-native' import { get } from 'lodash'; import { withTheme, Title, Caption, Divider, Avatar, Surface, Button, DarkTheme, DefaultTheme, } from 'react-native-paper' function HomeScreen({ theme }) { // There's more code inside this component which will be explained later. return ( <View style={[styles.container, { backgroundColor: theme.colors.surface }]}> <Portal> <Modal visible={isModalVisible} contentContainerStyle={styles.modalContent} dissmisable onDismiss={() => setModalVisibility(false)} > {renderModalContent()} </Modal> </Portal> <FlatList style={styles.flatListContainer} data={coins} extraData={coins} ItemSeparatorComponent={renderItemSeparator} ListFooterComponent={renderFooter} renderItem={renderItem} initialNumToRender={20} keyExtractor={keyExtractor} onEndReached={fetchMoreCoins} onEndReachedThreshold={0.2} contentContainerStyle={styles.contentContainer} /> </View> ) }
contains the contents of a container View
, which receives a color from the theme
props, and then I pass it to the backgroundColor
of this container element. Inside the View
container, there’s a FlatList
component, which receives data coins
fetched from the API.
How to correctly fetch data and pass it to the global context store is a topic for another article. In this one, I’ll focus on the render
functions of this FlatList
The renderItemSeparator
function renders a Divider
component from React Native Paper, which is a separator that groups contents in lists and page layouts:
const renderItemSeparator = () => <Divider style={styles.divider} />
The renderFooter
function renders a Button
component, which receives a state isLoading
bool and shows up a loading spinner whenever the new contents on the list are being added:
const renderFooter = () => isLoading && <Button style={styles.footer} loading={isLoading} />
The renderItem
function receives an item
argument, which holds data for a single item from the API data:
const renderItem = (item) => { const image = get(item, 'item.image') const priceChange24h = get(item, 'item.price_change_24h') const currentPrice = get(item, 'item.current_price') const symbol = get(item, 'item.symbol') return ( <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => getCurrentItemInfo(item)} style={styles.surfaceContainer} > <Surface style={styles.surface}> <Avatar.Image style={styles.avatar} size={28} source={{ uri: image && image }} /> <View style={styles.infoContainer}> <View style={styles.sectionContainer}> <Title numberOfLines={1} style={styles.coinName} > {symbol } </Title> <Title style={{ color: colors.primary }}> {' $'} {currentPrice} </Title> </View> <View style={styles.sectionContainer}> <Caption>Last 24h: </Caption> <Caption style={{ color: priceChange24h < 0 ? colors.error : colors.accent }} > {priceChange24h} </Caption> </View> </View> <TouchableOpacity hitSlop={{ x: 10, y: 10 }} onPress={() => handleFavorites(item)}> <Avatar.Icon size={28} icon="stars" style={[ styles.avatar, { backgroundColor: isFavorited(item) ? colors.accent : colors.disabled }, ]} /> </TouchableOpacity> </Surface> </TouchableOpacity> ) }
Inside the renderItem
function, we build the single item, which looks like this:
This single item contains elements from React Native Paper, like Avatar.Image
for logo, Title
text element for symbol
, current_price
, Caption
element for smaller text under the price, and Avatar.Icon
for the star icon button to add the item to favorites
When we press on the item, we open a Modal
component containing more data about a certain currency. Thanks to the Portal
component from React Native Paper, we can now easily add a modal component to our app because Portal
renders a component that should appear above other elements:
contains all the elements we starred
on the previous screen. It contains all the same elements as the HomeScreen
contains only one setting at this moment, which is a Switch
import React from 'react' import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native' import { Switch, Subheading, withTheme, DarkTheme, DefaultTheme } from 'react-native-paper' import { themePropTypes } from '../constants/propTypes' import { useStateValue } from '../Store' const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, elevation: 2, padding: 16, }, row: { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', paddingTop: 16, paddingHorizontal: 16, width: '100%', }, }) function SettingsScreen({ theme }) { const { colors } = theme const [state, dispatch] = useStateValue() const { isDarkModeOn } = state const handleThemeChange = () => dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_THEME', payload: !isDarkModeOn, }) return ( <View style={[styles.container, { backgroundColor: colors.surface }]}> <View style={styles.row}> <Subheading style={{ color: colors.primary }}>Dark Mode</Subheading> <Switch value={isDarkModeOn} onValueChange={handleThemeChange} /> </View> </View> ) } export default withTheme(SettingsScreen)
When users press on the Switch
component, it dispatches an action to the context
store to switch the currently used theme
in the whole app.
React Native Paper supports theming through the PaperProvider
component, which, by default, will apply DefaultTheme
to the app (light-mode
in Crypto Info). Thanks to this component, every component from the library will automatically receive styles from the actual theme passed to the provider.
Custom components can receive the theme
props after wrapping them up in the withTheme
higher-order component function from the library. In this example app, I make use of DefaultTheme
and DarkTheme
from the library, but we can provide our own custom theme; those are the elements that live inside the theme
- dark (boolean): whether this is a dark theme or light theme. - roundness (number): roundness of common elements, such as buttons. - colors (object): various colors used throughout different elements. - primary - primary color for your app, usually your brand color. - accent - secondary color for your app which complements the primary color. - background - background color for pages, such as lists. - surface - background color for elements containing content, such as cards. - text - text color for content. - disabled - color for disabled elements. - placeholder - color for placeholder text, such as input placeholder. - backdrop - color for backdrops of various components such as modals. - fonts (object): various fonts used throughout different elements. - regular - medium - light - thin
If you want to have fun with customizing your app theme, there’s a great website called https://coolors.co that can help you choose colors. Here’s a simple custom theme I came up with in a few minutes:
const customTheme = { dark: false, roundness: 4, colors: { primary: '#034748', accent: '#11B5E4', background: '#F1F7ED', surface: '#F1F7ED', text: '#001021', error: '#B71F0E', disabled: '#BEC6C6', placeholder: '#1481BA', backdrop: '#001021', }, fonts: { regular: 'Helvetica Neue', medium: 'Helvetica Neue Light', }, }
Now, the app looks like this:
React Native Paper 5.0 introduces several new components and features that make creating beautiful and functional apps easier using Material Design 3 (i.e., Material You). Let’s take a closer look at some of these new components.
The SegmentedButtons
component is a refined version of the ToggleButton
component and allows you to select options, switch views, or sort elements. It supports single and multi-select variants and provides many customization options:
... const [filterValue, setFilterValue] = useState("ALL_USERS"); ... <SegmentedButtons value={filterValue} onValueChange={setFilterValue} buttons={[ { value: "ALL_USERS", label: "All Users" }, { value: "FRIENDS", label: "Friends" }, ]} />
The Tooltip
component is displayed upon tapping and holding a screen element or component. It provides an informative text label for an element, such as a description of its role. This component was missing in the previous library versions, and its addition is a significant improvement for both Material Design systems:
<Tooltip title="Search User"> <IconButton icon="account-search-outline" /> </Tooltip>
is a new side navigation component that can be used within Drawer
, and represents a route as an action item with an icon and optional label. It helps improve navigation and organization within your app:
... const [activeItem, setActiveItem] = useState("users"); const items = [ { label: "Users List", unfocusedIcon: "account-group-outline", focusedIcon: "account-group", key: "users", }, { label: "Profile", unfocusedIcon: "account-outline", focusedIcon: "account", key: "profile", }, ]; ... {items.map((item) => ( <Drawer.CollapsedItem {...item} key={item.key} active={item.key === activeItem} onPress={() => setActiveItem(item.key)} /> ))}
When using React Native Paper, you may want to use custom icons different from the default MaterialCommunityIcons. You can import your desired custom icons and pass them to the settings prop within the PaperProvider
component to achieve this.
Here’s an example of how you can use custom icons in React Native Paper. First, you need to import the custom icon library. In this example, we’ll import the FontAwesome
icon library using the react-native-vector-icons package:
import FontAwesomeIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
Next, within the PaperProvider
component, you can specify the custom icon by passing it as a function to the icon property in the settings
<PaperProvider settings={{ icon: (props) => <FontAwesomeIcon {...props} />, }} > {/* Your app content goes here */} </PaperProvider>
The above code uses the FontAwesomeIcon
component as our custom icon. The props parameter is passed to the custom icon component, allowing you to customize the icon’s appearance and behavior.
By configuring the icon property in the settings prop of PaperProvider
, you can easily replace the default MaterialCommunityIcons
with your desired custom icons throughout the React Native Paper components.
Using custom icons in React Native Paper allows you to incorporate your preferred icon sets and achieve a personalized and consistent visual style in your app.
React Native Paper is a powerful and versatile library that streamlines the development of React Native apps, providing a wide range of components with clean and customizable UI. The latest version, React Native Paper 5.0, introduces exciting new components like SegmentedButtons
, Tooltip
, and Drawer.CollapsedItem
, expanding the toolkit for building modern and visually appealing interfaces.
Additionally, you can further personalize your app’s design by utilizing custom icons and seamlessly integrating your preferred icon sets. With its developer-friendly approach and flexibility, React Native Paper empowers you to bring your app ideas to life efficiently, even without extensive design skills.
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