In this article, we’re going to look at the Crossbeam crate, which provides tools for concurrent programming in Rust. It is widely used under the hood by many libraries and frameworks in the Rust ecosystem — provided concurrent programming is within their domain.
This fantastic blog post by Aaron Turon introduced Crossbeam in 2015 and offers some great insight into the challenges that arise with lock-free programming with Rust; if you have the time, I definitely recommend giving it a read.
Without further ado, let’s dig into concurrent programming in Rust using Crossbeam.
Jump ahead:
exampleThe TL;DR of this is that it’s possible to build efficient lock-free data structures with Rust, but you actually need to build a memory-reclamation mechanism — much like a garbage collector.
In the case outlined in the blog above, Turon implemented an epoch-based memory management API, which can be used as a basis to build lock-free data structures in Rust
This epoch-based memory-reclamation mechanism is also part of the library — it is well-documented if you would like to learn more.
If you’re not too familiar with lock-free programming, you can check out this great introduction.
In this post, we will look at a part of Crossbeam’s API and implement some simple examples, showcasing how it can be used and why it’s a great tool to have.
If you’re interested in checking out the whole API to go more in-depth about the different concurrent-programming tools within Crossbeam, you can also check out the docs.
Let’s get started!
To follow along, all you need is a recent Rust installation (the latest version at the time of writing is 1.64.0).
First, create a new Rust project:
cargo new rust-crossbeam-example
cd rust-crossbeam-example
Next, edit the Cargo.toml
file and add the dependencies you’ll need:
crossbeam = "0.8.2"
rand = "0.8.5"
N.B., Crossbeam and
are all we will need for the upcoming examples 🙂
exampleWe’ll start with AtomicCell
, a thread-safe implementation of Rust’s Cell
is a mutable memory location — as is AtomicCell
— the difference is that it’s thread-safe, so multiple threads can access and mutate the memory location at the same time without data races.
We can test this by spawning threads — in some, we can also load and print the value in AtomicCell
, and, in others, increment and print it. Once the threads are finished, the result always needs to be the same.
First, let’s define a run_thread
helper, which takes an Arc
(a thread-safe, reference-counted smart pointer) containing the AtomicCell
. Our mutable memory location, the number of the thread, and whether it should store something should be defined.
fn run_thread(val: Arc<AtomicCell<u32>>, num: u32, store: bool) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> { thread::spawn(move || { if store { val.fetch_add(1); } println!("Hello from thread {}! value: {}", num, val.load()); }) }
With that, we can now create our AtomicCell
and initialize it with the number 12
. Then, we put it into an Arc
, so we can share it between threads, spawn threads using run_thread
, and then wait for the threads to finish.
fn main() { // AtomicCell Example println!("Starting AtomicCell example..."); let atomic_value: AtomicCell<u32> = AtomicCell::new(12); let arc = Arc::new(atomic_value); let mut thread_handles_ac: Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>> = Vec::new(); for i in 1..10 { thread_handles_ac.push(run_thread(arc.clone(), i, i % 2 == 0)); } thread_handles_ac .into_iter() .for_each(|th| th.join().expect("can't join thread")); println!("value after threads finished: {}", arc.load()); println!("AtomicCell example finished!"); }
If you run this using cargo run
(repeatedly), the result will always be the same:
Starting AtomicCell example... Hello from thread 1! value: 12 Hello from thread 4! value: 13 Hello from thread 5! value: 13 Hello from thread 2! value: 14 Hello from thread 3! value: 14 Hello from thread 8! value: 15 Hello from thread 6! value: 16 Hello from thread 7! value: 16 Hello from thread 9! value: 16 value after threads finished: 16 AtomicCell example finished!
is not something you should expect to use a lot in application code, but it’s a very useful tool for building concurrent-programming primitives that deal with mutable state.
exampleThe next piece of Crossbeam’s API we’ll look at is ArrayQueue
As the name suggests, this is a thread-safe queue. In particular, it’s a bounded (i.e., limited buffer), multi-producer, multi-consumer queue.
To see it in action, we can create a number of producer and consumer threads, which will push and pop values into and from the queue — at the end, we should expect consistent results.
To achieve this, we must first create two helper functions for creating producer and consumer threads:
fn run_producer(q: Arc<ArrayQueue<u32>>, num: u32) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> { thread::spawn(move || { println!("Hello from producer thread {} - pushing...!", num); for _ in 0..20 { q.push(num).expect("pushing failed"); } }) } fn run_consumer(q: Arc<ArrayQueue<u32>>, num: u32) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> { thread::spawn(move || { println!("Hello from producer thread {} - popping!", num); for _ in 0..20 { q.pop(); } }) }
We pass an ArrayQueue
packaged inside of an Arc
into the helper and, within it, start a thread which, in a small loop, pushes to (for producers) and pops from (for consumers) the queue.
fn main() { // ArrayQueue Example println!("---------------------------------------"); println!("Starting ArrayQueue example..."); let q: ArrayQueue<u32> = ArrayQueue::new(100); let arc_q = Arc::new(q); let mut thread_handles_aq: Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>> = Vec::new(); for i in 1..5 { thread_handles_aq.push(run_producer(arc_q.clone(), i)); } for i in 1..5 { thread_handles_aq.push(run_consumer(arc_q.clone(), i)); } thread_handles_aq .into_iter() .for_each(|th| th.join().expect("can't join thread")); println!("values in q after threads finished: {}", arc_q.len()); println!("ArrayQueue example finished!"); }
Then, after initializing the bounded queue, we put it into an Arc
, spawn our producers and consumers, and then wait for the threads to finish.
N.B., we limit it to a buffer of 100 entries; this means that pushing to the queue can actually fail if the queue is full
If we check out the results, we can see, regardless of the ordering, that the results are consistent and the queue is actually thread-safe:
Starting ArrayQueue example... Hello from producer thread 1 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 4 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 2 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 2 - popping! Hello from producer thread 3 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 1 - popping! Hello from producer thread 4 - popping! Hello from producer thread 3 - popping! values in q after threads finished: 0 ArrayQueue example finished!
, similar to AtomicCell
, is something that will mostly be useful within abstractions for concurrency, rather than actual application code.
If you have a use case for which you need a queue data structure that’s thread-safe, Crossbeam has you covered! There are also two other queue implementations worth noting: deque
and SegQueue
, which you can check out here.
Channels, a concept you might know from other languages such as Go, are implemented in a multi-producer, multi-consumer manner in Crossbeam.
Channels are usually used for cross-thread communication — or, in the case of Go, cross-goroutine communication.
For example, with channels, you can implement a CSP — communicating sequential processes for the coordination of concurrent processes.
To see Crossbeam channels in action, we will again spawn producer and consumer threads.
However, this time, the producers will each send 1,000 values into the channel and the consumers will simply take values from it and process them — if there are no senders left, all threads will finish.
To achieve this, we need to write two helper functions for creating the producer and consumer threads:
fn run_producer_chan(s: Sender<u32>, num: u32) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> { thread::spawn(move || { println!("Hello from producer thread {} - pushing...!", num); for _ in 0..1000 { s.send(num).expect("send failed"); } }) } fn run_consumer_chan(r: Receiver<u32>, num: u32) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> { thread::spawn(move || { let mut i = 0; println!("Hello from producer thread {} - popping!", num); loop { if let Err(_) = r.recv() { println!( "last sender dropped - stopping consumer thread, messages received: {}", i ); break; } i += 1; } }) }
Similar to the above, the producer thread simply pushes values into the channel. However, the consumer thread, in an endless loop, tries to receive from the channel and, if it gets an error (which happens if all senders are dropped), then it prints the number of processed messages for the thread.
To put this all together, we created an unbounded channel
, getting a Sender
and a Receiver
back, which can be cloned and shared between threads (there are also bounded channels with a limited buffer size). We then spawned our producers and consumers and left it to be run.
We also dropped the initial Sender
using drop(s)
. Since we rely on the consumer threads running into the error condition when all Senders
are dropped and we clone the Sender
into each thread, we need to remove the initial Sender
reference; otherwise, the consumers will simply block forever in an endless loop.
fn main() { // channel Example println!("---------------------------------------"); println!("Starting channel example..."); let (s, r) = unbounded(); for i in 1..5 { run_producer_chan(s.clone(), i); } drop(s); for i in 1..5 { run_consumer_chan(r.clone(), i); } println!("channel example finished!"); }
If we run this repeatedly, the number of messages each thread processes will vary, but the overall amount will always add up to 4,000, meaning that all events sent to the channels have been processed.
Starting channel example... Hello from producer thread 1 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 2 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 4 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 3 - pushing...! Hello from producer thread 4 - popping! Hello from producer thread 2 - popping! Hello from producer thread 3 - popping! Hello from producer thread 1 - popping! last sender dropped - stopping consumer thread, messages received: 376 last sender dropped - stopping consumer thread, messages received: 54 last sender dropped - stopping consumer thread, messages received: 2199 last sender dropped - stopping consumer thread, messages received: 1371 channel example finished!
exampleWait groups are a very useful concept for cases when you have to do concurrent processing and must wait until it’s all finished. For example; to wait for all the data to be collected from different sources in parallel and then waiting for each request to finish, before aggregating it and moving on in the computation process.
The idea is to create a WaitGroup
and then, for each concurrent process, clone it (internally, it simply increases a counter) and wait for all wait groups to be dropped (i.e., the counter is back to 0). That way, in a thread-safe way, we can guarantee that all threads have finished.
To showcase this, we’ll create a helper called do_work
, which generates a random number, sleeps for that amount of milliseconds, then does some basic calculations, sleeps again, and finishes.
This is just so we actually have our threads doing something, which takes a different amount of time for each thread.
fn do_work(thread_num: i32) { let num = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(100..500); thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(num)); let mut sum = 0; for i in 0..10 { sum += sum + num * i; } println!( "thread {} calculated sum: {}, num: {}", thread_num, sum, num ); thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(num)); }
Then, with our WaitGroup
created, we create a number of threads — 50 in this case — and clone the WaitGroup
for each of the threads, dropping it inside the thread again.
Afterward, we wait for the WaitGroup
, which will block until all WaitGroup
clones have been dropped — and thus all threads have finished.
fn main() { // WaitGroup Example println!("---------------------------------------"); println!("Starting WaitGroup example..."); let wg = WaitGroup::new(); for i in 0..50 { let wg_clone = wg.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { do_work(i); drop(wg_clone); }); } println!("waiting for all threads to finish...!"); wg.wait(); println!("all threads finished!"); println!("WaitGroup example finished!"); }
If we run this, we can see that our code consistently waits for all of our 50 threads, no matter how long they take to complete.
Starting WaitGroup example... waiting for all threads to finish...! thread 41 calculated sum: 114469, num: 113 thread 31 calculated sum: 116495, num: 115 thread 20 calculated sum: 119534, num: 118 thread 18 calculated sum: 126625, num: 125 thread 37 calculated sum: 144859, num: 143 thread 47 calculated sum: 147898, num: 146 thread 42 calculated sum: 170184, num: 168 thread 11 calculated sum: 185379, num: 183 thread 17 calculated sum: 186392, num: 184 thread 19 calculated sum: 188418, num: 186 thread 35 calculated sum: 195509, num: 193 thread 34 calculated sum: 197535, num: 195 thread 4 calculated sum: 200574, num: 198 thread 39 calculated sum: 202600, num: 200 thread 25 calculated sum: 215769, num: 213 thread 6 calculated sum: 223873, num: 221 thread 22 calculated sum: 227925, num: 225 thread 12 calculated sum: 256289, num: 253 thread 49 calculated sum: 265406, num: 262 thread 30 calculated sum: 267432, num: 264 thread 43 calculated sum: 271484, num: 268 thread 27 calculated sum: 283640, num: 280 thread 23 calculated sum: 303900, num: 300 thread 48 calculated sum: 304913, num: 301 thread 14 calculated sum: 306939, num: 303 thread 0 calculated sum: 309978, num: 306 thread 5 calculated sum: 324160, num: 320 thread 13 calculated sum: 333277, num: 329 thread 40 calculated sum: 338342, num: 334 thread 28 calculated sum: 346446, num: 342 thread 46 calculated sum: 358602, num: 354 thread 29 calculated sum: 362654, num: 358 thread 1 calculated sum: 368732, num: 364 thread 15 calculated sum: 368732, num: 364 thread 38 calculated sum: 386966, num: 382 thread 24 calculated sum: 419382, num: 414 thread 44 calculated sum: 430525, num: 425 thread 45 calculated sum: 430525, num: 425 thread 8 calculated sum: 433564, num: 428 thread 32 calculated sum: 433564, num: 428 thread 16 calculated sum: 442681, num: 437 thread 2 calculated sum: 443694, num: 438 thread 26 calculated sum: 444707, num: 439 thread 36 calculated sum: 454837, num: 449 thread 21 calculated sum: 456863, num: 451 thread 7 calculated sum: 458889, num: 453 thread 33 calculated sum: 459902, num: 454 thread 3 calculated sum: 488266, num: 482 thread 10 calculated sum: 497383, num: 491 thread 9 calculated sum: 505487, num: 499 all threads finished! WaitGroup example finished!
That’s it! The full example code can be found on my GitHub account.
In this article, we looked at some parts of the powerful Crossbeam library, which is an absolute staple in Rust when it comes to concurrent programming.
Crossbeam has more useful tools and abstractions to offer, and if you’re interested in checking them out, feel free to scour the fantastic docs.
The concepts behind Crossbeam with regard to lock-free programming and its implications in combination with Rust are interesting and definitely an area worth exploring deeper to get a fundamental understanding of the effects of lock-free programming and its various uses.
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