This guide covers React’s `onClick` event handler, including information about event listening, synthetic events, custom events, and more.
Testing your React app is a necessity, but testing Hooks can get a bit complicated. Learn how to test Hooks multiple ways in this guide.
Implement React Suspense to manage async operations, and compare it with other async rendering methods such as the `useEffect` and `useEffect Hooks`.
and getStaticProps
Compare the `getInitialProps`, `getServerSideProps`, and `getStaticProps` data fetching methods, and how they work for server-side rendering and static site generation.
Learn if you should use Material Design in your React project with this guide, which covers MUI components like fonts, CSSBaseline, and more.
Explore fast, lightweight headless testing tools: PhantomJS, Puppeteer, Headless Chrome, Nightmare, Selenium, Playwright, and Cypress.
Partial hydration enables you to selectively add interactivity to your otherwise completely static app, improving frontend performance while still keeping the benefits of client-side apps.
Catch bugs in your code before your React app is live by performing end-to-end testing with Jest and Puppeteer.
Explore Gatsby and its usage with GraphQL and TypeScript. Learn to fetch data in Gatsby apps using GraphQL with either page queries or StaticQuery.
Building forms in React? Learn how React deals with forms and events, and how to build forms using the Formik library.
Learn how to create, validate, and utilize inputs from a form in a Vue.js x2 application.
Our all-in-one reference guide to the React.Component class API, covering the component lifecycle, lifecycle methods, and class properties.