Matt Arbesfeld CEO @ LogRocket

Stories by Matt Arbesfeld

Introducing Galileo AI Summer '24: Session Summaries And Severe Mobile Issues

Introducing Galileo AI Summer ’24: Session summaries and severe mobile issues

Product Management

Galileo Highlights eliminates the need to watch hours of sessions by automatically summarizing each user’s experience and identifying patterns, friction points, and behavioral trends across groups of sessions.

Matt Arbesfeld
Jun 25, 2024 ⋅ 2 min read
Meet LogRocket Galileo — Your New AI-Powered Product Analyst

Meet Galileo — your new AI-powered product analyst

Product Management

LogRocket’s Galileo AI watches every user session in your app to surface the most impactful areas of user struggle and key behavior patterns.

Matt Arbesfeld
Dec 5, 2023 ⋅ 3 min read

LogRocket: DVR for JavaScript apps


Understanding problems in web apps is hard. Between mysterious JavaScript errors, user-reported bugs, and issues caught in QA, there’s a […]

Matt Arbesfeld
May 17, 2017 ⋅ 2 min read

Robust, scalable tests for React applications


For many years I dreaded front end development. It’s not because I don’t love making products or writing CSS, but […]

Matt Arbesfeld
Mar 20, 2017 ⋅ 3 min read

JavaScript Testing: Chai (Part 1)


At LogRocket, nearly our entire code base is JavaScript. Over the years, we have learned a good amount about the […]

Matt Arbesfeld
Mar 10, 2017 ⋅ 2 min read

Log-Driven Development with Redux


How many times have you been asked by a product manager “how often is this feature being used?” Or there’s […]

Matt Arbesfeld
Mar 6, 2017 ⋅ 1 min read

LogRocket Preview Release


We are thrilled to announce the preview release of LogRocket! With LogRocket, developers and support agents can quickly understand the […]

Matt Arbesfeld
Sep 30, 2016 ⋅ 26 sec read