Glad Chinda
Dec 13, 2018 â‹… 14 min read

5 key Redux libraries to improve code reuse

Glad Chinda Full-stack web developer learning new hacks one day at a time. Web technology enthusiast. Hacking stuffs @theflutterwave.

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This image features the iconic React logo—a blue atom-like symbol with a central dot and orbiting curves—superimposed on a background of a city skyline. The city appears to be shrouded in soft pink and purple hues, giving the image a modern, tech-focused atmosphere. This image symbolizex the use of React for building modular, scalable frontend architectures. React's component-based approach aligns with the principles of micro-frontends, where different parts of the user interface are independently developed and managed, similar to how microservices operate on the backend. The cityscape in the background represents the larger, complex web applications that can benefit from a structured, flexible frontend framework like React.

Practical guidance between vertical and horizontal micro-frontends

Micro-frontends, like microservices in backend development, divide frontend applications into modular, self-contained components that can be independently developed, tested, and […]

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Developing Modals Using Only CSS And The Popover API

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Implementing Claude's Artifacts Feature For UI Visualization

Implementing Claude’s Artifacts feature for UI visualization

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