#css#web design
Luke Harrison
Sep 5, 2018 ⋅ 9 min read

20 web design relics of the old internet

Luke Harrison Web designer and frontend developer from Sheffield, UK.

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8 Replies to "20 web design relics of the old internet"

  1. oh my god .. I had forgotten all these things. what a wonderful time those years were. how many memories! haha. thanks for the excellent review and article.

    1. Hello Fernando, Was going through this site, and had to agree with you. To me it was like the Golden Age. Some of the graphics on those video fansites were amazing as were the warez sites.

  2. I remember around the year 2007 or so, there was a JavaScript library that added a class to a “body” tag specifying which browser was being used (e.g. “ie5”, “ie6”, etc) – this was a breakthrough for me and likely other web developers, as we could now write css specific to every single browser… You can also imagine how this tech increased our workload…

    Also, I remember my first geocities sites mirroring most of what you said here, but my later ones strayed to mostly text and white space for some reason (and I had scores of geocities sites ranging from a Weezer fan page to a “Goat Order Form”).

    Anyway, thanks for researching and writing this fantastic article – a trip down memory lane!

  3. Started doing web stuff in 1996. Clear gifs and nested tables galore with no easy editors to be found. Ah, those were the glory days. IE, was the bane of my existence. It always broke seemingly good code. This article brings back a lot of great, and not so great memories. Thanks!

  4. Can we not bring back personal websites with guestbooks? I hate that we all sit on Facebook now, I feel we’ve lost our individual creativity (aka stealing animated gifs)

    I still have mine, not my original one unfortunately but I’ve had this one since 2007.
    Currently building a guestbook again (which is how I found this site) and trying to find other guestbooks for “inspiration” for when I fill mine with fake entries.

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