Glad Chinda
Aug 17, 2022 â‹… 8 min read

How to validate React props using PropTypes

Glad Chinda Full-stack web developer learning new hacks one day at a time. Web technology enthusiast. Hacking stuffs @theflutterwave.

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7 Replies to "How to validate React props using <code>PropTypes</code>"

  1. Great article. Only one thing that is needed to fix: in the section “Multiple types” in the unionProp example you wrote PropType instead of PropTypes (found this problem after copying this to my code).

  2. Provided you’re using standard eslint rule set, you should be returning from your custom validator function isEmail at the end of it too, to be consistent with the consistent-return eslint rule (https://eslint.org/docs/rules/consistent-return). It expects that if you use a condition to return from your function when that condition is true, you would also return something (probably different) when condition is false.

  3. Hello,
    In the article it says prop-types is used only in development mode, However when installing the package you are using –save option to install it on production… ? is that correct, shouldn’t it be –dev instead?

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