Nacho Nart talks about using modify existing product assets, such as photos and advertisements, to cater to different geographies and markets.
Boris Logvinsky talks about the importance of building context and understanding customer challenges when you move between industries.
Nupur Srivastava, COO of Included Health, talks about using the number of days a member considers themselves healthy as a North Star.
Juan Gabbaro discusses how product leadership should drive vertical alignment, but the product team should drive cross-functional alignment.
Josh Engleka talks about how his team at Lowe’s takes a unique perspective because they are all customers, as well as employees.
Justina Cho talks about the importance of customer journey maps and goes through best practices for creating them.
Russell Goldman talks about the possibilities and challenges associated with bringing GenAI into a combined retail and software space.
Ian Evans talks about building a SaaS org from the ground up and how prioritization is one of the hardest components to address.
Shira Gershoni talks about how her team thinks about real-life moments or frustrations that impact the customer’s overall experience.
Tamara Pluviose discusses her approach to design thinking workshops that promote problem-solving, brainstorming, and customer-centricity.
Anish Chadda discusses the importance of having a “bias for action” — iterating quickly instead of focusing on creating a perfect prototype.
David Krell, VP of Product at Going, talks about the fallacy that PMs have to be in a position of authority to do vision-led work.