Though PMs and engineering managers are separate roles, they work closely more often than any other two roles on a product team.
Let’s discuss the pros and cons of CSS vs. CSS-in-JS given the current state of modern CSS and how it is likely to change in the future.
A/B testing helps you make informed decisions based on user feedback. Learn how to run effective A/B (or split) tests using Optimizely and review some examples to see how it works in practice.
Svelte takes a more simplistic approach to state management, eliminating the need to install libraries and offering stores that manage state within the framework instead.
Learn about the MUI grid system, its features and limitations, and implementing it in React. Explore MUI Grid v2, which is experimental at the time of writing.
Use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Firebase to create a basic text editor that allows you to create, edit, download, share, and access documents.
In this article, we will write a custom debounce Hook in our React app that defers some number of seconds to process our passed value.
Learn how to enhance a React Native application with haptic feedback, along with the general benefits of haptic feedback for applications.
JavaScript is not typed, meaning you can’t assign a data type to a variable, but JavaScript still understands the difference between a number, a string, and an object
With its diverse set of commonly used UI components, MUI is one of the most loved UI component libraries for React developers.
When building applications, it’s important to provide a clear path towards testing, which will reduce the time spent debugging and refactoring code.
Learn how to use the React.createRef() method and useRef Hook in React to simplify creating refs and interact with the HTML DOM.