Praveen Kumar
Oct 25, 2019 â‹… 12 min read

Creating a full-stack MERN app using JWT authentication: Part 4

Praveen Kumar Blogger, MVP, Web Developer, Computer Software and UX Architect.

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3 Replies to "Creating a full-stack MERN app using JWT authentication: Part 4"

  1. Storing the jwt acces token in browser’s localstorage opens a security issue in your web app. Instead, it is much better to send jwt in a httponly cookie. The authentication server sends the jwt in a cookie to the client. By doing this, the front end does not have to take care of jwt at all. The browse will send the cookie automatically to the site.
    Here is a good blog on this topic: https://stormpath.com/blog/where-to-store-your-jwts-cookies-vs-html5-web-storage.
    Transforming the jwt of cookie to authentication http header may be done by the target service or by infrastructure on its own e.g. by a proxy server of the service mesh.

  2. Hi Praveen. Great tutorial, really helped me get started with JWT.
    One question though.
    When the client connects to the page with JWT in local storage, shouldn’t we run a ValidateJWT to make sure nobody tampered with the web token?
    Maybe it’s on the tutorial, but I followed it once an my final front end did not include it. That may be because I already had a frontend tho, so I didn’t follow that part step-by-step.

    Anywyas, thank you!

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