#js libraries
Hussain Arif
May 25, 2021 ⋅ 5 min read

Intro to Clio lang: Ship performance-critical JS with ease

Hussain Arif Hussain is a CS student in Pakistan whose biggest interest is learning and teaching programming to make the world a better place.

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4 Replies to "Intro to Clio lang: Ship performance-critical JS with ease"

    1. All `console.log` calls are redirected to the DOM, and they’re costly, that’s why the playground appears to be slow. You can check out my latest article here:


      or check the benchmark here:


      Clio is always faster than JavaScript, and sometimes extremely faster, if you check the benchmark the fib function’s performance is close to C. In addition to that, you can do multi-threading to speed up your code.

  1. Thanks for the great article and for featuring us Hussain! I really enjoyed the article and I’m going to add a link to it in our documentation, if it’s alright by you! By the way, the installer issue you reported is fixed in the latest release, give it a try 😉

    Reading your article, I noticed some of the code samples don’t compile, they throw a syntax error. First one is the comparisons where you used = instead of ==, this is changed in the recent versions. Other issues are in the mapping section, I will share a few links with the corrected code here.

    Comparisons: https://tinyurl.com/ttw4x58j
    Mapping: https://tinyurl.com/djfb9hta
    Mapping (with anonymous functions): https://tinyurl.com/sfk7sy9h
    Pipes: https://tinyurl.com/378we5vj

    Thanks again for the great article!

  2. Thank you so much for your feedback, Pouya! Yes, you can include this article in your documentation.
    As for your question, I wrote this article when Clio was in version 0.35(back in April), however it got published just now.
    Other than that, Clio really is a great programming language. Can’t wait to play with it in the future.

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