Eslam Hefnawy
Jun 10, 2020 â‹… 5 min read

How TypeScript design patterns help you write better code

Eslam Hefnawy Serverless Architect at Serverless, Inc. Co-creator of the Serverless Framework and the lead architect of Serverless Components.

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3 Replies to "How TypeScript design patterns help you write better code"

  1. Why would you write your own observer pattern when you can use a framework like rxjs? Also,JavaScript is not the ‘predecessor’ of Typescript, TypeScript is the superset and is compiled into JavaScript. Finally, in the ‘what you’ll learn section’ you talk about the prototype pattern but I think you mean the proxy pattern.
    Using a visual language like UML can really help I driving your point and makes it more tangible.

  2. To be fair, JavaScript came before and led to Typescript therefore Javascript can be thought of as its predecessor.

  3. Why would you pull external library if the only you need is a patter that you can implement yourself in few lines of code? This article is fantastic explanation of Observer pattern. By the way, rxjs serves a much broader purpose than only Observer pattern.

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