Preetish HS
Dec 25, 2019 ⋅ 6 min read

How Nuxt.js solves the SEO problems in Vue.js

Preetish HS Freelance web developer, digital nomad, and design enthusiast. You can find me online at preetish.in.

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9 Replies to "How Nuxt.js solves the SEO problems in Vue.js"

  1. Great article 🙂 One question though…. does this mean that because we generate a static version of the site at the end we can in fact host it on netlify? And on load for the user it makes all api calls from the server as well?

    Thanks bud

  2. Nuxt.js is never a static website. It can’t be hosted on Netlify but it can be hosted on Heroku or Firebase. Indeed, it is the case that “on load for the user it makes all api calls from the server”.

  3. Thanks Brendin!
    Nuxt.js application either in SPA mode or Static mode after building, both can be hosted on Netlify or similar static hosting service. Even Vue.js applications can be hosted on Netlify.

    For your second question, Nuxt will create static HTML files for all the routes when you run `npm run generate`. If you are wondering how would it work for dynamic routes. ( say `/posts/:id` )
    Because Nuxt doesn’t know what is the value of `id` would be here.

    So in `nuxt.config.js` you can pass the routes that has to be statically generated.

    generate: {
    routes () {
    return [‘/posts/aslkdja9’]
    You can still make dynamic API calls in a static generated application as well. In your case if you want to make user specific API calls. That can be done too. Let’s say you have some user specific data that will be fetched only after login? Then won’t be a part of Static HTML (You won’t be able to see that in `view page source`)

    Static method is generally not used for large applications, It might make the configuration quite complex.

    To know more https://nuxtjs.org/api/configuration-generate/

    Hope this answers your question 🙂

  4. It depends on what mode you build the application. If you build in `Universal` mode, Then definitely you would need a server capable of running a Node server like Heroku. If you build in `SPA` or generate `static` using `npm run generate` then you can host in static hosting services like Netlify, AWS S3 etc.

  5. If you don’t want a SSR web site, what’s the point of using Nuxt? Better to just stay with Vue in its regular form.

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