Use NVM, Node Version Manager, to switch between Node.js versions, simplifying your development process.
Tired of version conflicts with Node.js? NVM lets you switch between multiple versions easily, ensuring your projects always run smoothly with the right environment.
method: From basics to custom sortingDiscover how to sort arrays in JavaScript using sort() and toSorted(), including customization and language-sensitive sorting techniques.
With Redis’ license change and the launch of Valkey 8.0 as an alternative, this guide covers key differences and migration steps.
One Reply to "CSS Reference Guide: <code>flex</code>"
the sentence:So the second item will grow to 231px, the third item will grow to 236px, and the first item will decrease to 225px. is wrong.
the right answer is: the first block is 221px,the second 235px, the third 242px.