A workback schedule involves creating a timeline in reverse, starting with the project completion date and working your way back through.
6 9s is the delivery of availability at a rate of 99.9999 percent, which is the equivalent of no more than 31.5 seconds of unavailability.
By definition, if you’re already in or transitioning into a product management role, you likely already possess many of the skills needed for successful project management.
Group dynamics are the behaviors and psychological dimensions that occur between or within a social group.
Everything you need to know about the role of the scrum master, including the job description, responsibilities, and certifications to explore if you’re looking to become a scrum master.
How can you be satisfied with your job, but also dissatisfied at the same time? Herzberg’s two-factor theory explores this paradox.
A main benefit of exploratory testing is that it provides a great opportunity to learn about the application and fill in any missing knowledge gaps.
A RAID log is the perfect tool to anticipate and track all the risks, actions, issues, and decisions revolving a project.
We’ll introduce you to four of the most impactful laws, effects, and principles that influence user behavior: the Von Restorff effect, Miller’s law, Hick’s law, and the aesthetic-usability effect.
Product portfolio managers oversee all of a company’s products in the market and analyze how these products should be positioned to deliver the best results.
The vision outlined in a well-written business roadmap gives focus and support to the entire organization and ensures that all areas of the business are driving toward the same destination.
No matter where you are in your career, you can learn a lot from these product management books written by some of the best to ever do it.