Create an app that records and removes information from a PostgreSQL database according to the HTTP requests it receives.
Learn how to pass props to components in React, and more information about children props and prop drilling.
Compare schema validation libraries, Zod and Yup, in terms of validating common data patterns such as primitives, objects, and arrays.
React has advanced through the introduction of Hooks, which allow the package to work well with functional components instead of normal class-based methods.
Learn how to use Formik in React to build forms by standardizing input components and the form submission flow.
Focus on component-based architecture using Stitches, a server-rendered CSS-in-JS library that provides built-in support for variants.
Both Umi and Next.js support routing and server-side rendering, as well as TypeScript, out of the box. Here’s how the frameworks compare.
Universally recognized icons help users navigate and engage with your app. Best of all, you can access many icon libraries to use in your next JavaScript project for free.
Learn how Compiled can help you take full advantage of the great developer experience of writing CSS-in-JS without sacrificing performance.
Learn how to implement and use Hegel, a new type checker library that combines a static, strong type system with great type inference, and how it compares to TypeScript and Flow.
nanoSQL provides a standardized query language that can be used in all types of supported databases, enabling you to connect multiple database systems without installing a dedicated client library for each one.
Learn how treat can help you reduce CSS-in-JS runtime overhead while simultaneously providing legacy browser support and type safety.