Onlook bridges design and development, integrating design tools into IDEs for seamless collaboration and faster workflows.
JavaScript generators offer a powerful and often overlooked way to handle asynchronous operations, manage state, and process data streams.
webpack’s Module Federation allows you to easily share code and dependencies between applications, helpful in micro-frontend architecture.
Whether you’re part of the typed club or not, one function within TypeScript that can make life a lot easier is object destructuring.
5 Replies to "A guide to theming in CSS"
This is a very cool overview of a simple way to implement. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks a lot for this amazing article. Before this article theming concept was just a nightmare for me. But Man u nailed it.
Thanks for the great article! A couple confusing parts:
– You write “ N/B: When declaring CSS variables, the syntax is **–**”… I would remove the asterisks as it’s unclear for beginners if asterisks are actually part of the syntax of your custom way of highlighting the double dash
– “ perfect for creating theme0aware websites” the 0 should be a hyphen
Thanks for pointing that out, just updated
Thank you for this very informative post! I have to admit, however, that I spent quite a few moments trying to decipher your code for the white text/black text example. It was confusing because the ‘white text’ is actually black and visa-versa. I had my eyes crossing before I realized that. Perhaps you should change the white text to say “Black Text” (since it is) or simply take away the ‘Text’ part of the string. But great content!