Ibiyemi Adewakun
Sep 15, 2021 â‹… 6 min read

Using vue-loader to create single-page applications

Ibiyemi Adewakun Ibiyemi is a full-stack developer from Lagos. When she's not writing code, she likes to read, listen to music, and put cute outfits together.

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One Reply to "Using <code>vue-loader</code> to create single-page applications"

  1. Hi there

    Thank you so much for breaking this down so well – I’m a Django developer who is new to Vue and have so far struggled to figure out how to manually bundle/compile vue apps so that i can import them into my Django templates.

    I managed to get your example working perfectly, but I’d like to be able to compile/bundle a set of assets for *multiple, separate* Vue apps at once (each under “/front-end/pages/app-name-goes-here/”. Can you please advise on how your webpack (or other config file) can be changed to look for several entrypoints at once and compile/bundle them all into the same output folder (each js file will have a different name, of course)? I know that one could in theory just duplicate the above settings per every app’s directory and manually run through the build process within each folder, but I’m sure there must be a way to automated these all in one go at the top level directory? I can provide my current dir structure etc if you need further clarification.

    Thank you so much in advance!

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