Aditya Agarwal
Nov 5, 2021 â‹… 5 min read

Understanding React compound components

Aditya Agarwal Loves experimenting on the web. You can follow me on Twitter @hackerrank.

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2 Replies to "Understanding React compound components"

  1. Hello!, this is a nice article, It helped me to understand this pattern a little bit better :), just one observation I have, in the code snippet you have in the article:

    const Tab = ({ id, children }) => (

    {({ changeTab }) => changeTab(id)}>{children}}

    there is that ” > ” character in the return of the function inside that is confusing (I even thought it was a special new syntax of react…you never know! lol), then I checked the code sandbox provided, and I saw that the function was actually “({ changeTab }) => changeTab(id)}>{children}” which I was able to understand better.

    Maybe update the article’s code snippets to make it even clearer to new readers with less React experience,


  2. It seems that the error on the syntax (that weird “>” character) is a problem of this CMS trying to clean up code that is being posted… uhm. well… maybe share the code snippets via https://gist.github.com instead of pasting directly in here. cheers

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