Ibadehin Mojeed
Sep 20, 2021 â‹… 5 min read

Understanding min-content, max-content, and fit-content in CSS

Ibadehin Mojeed I'm an advocate of project-based learning. I also write technical content around web development.

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2 Replies to "Understanding min-content, max-content, and fit-content in CSS"

  1. Hello Ibadehin Mojeed,

    I would like to first express my gratitude towards you for producing such high-quality documents.

    I am sending this message with the hope that you would grant us permission to publish a translated version of “Understanding min-content, max-content, and fit-content in CSS” on https://ui.toast.com/weekly-pick/ko. This blog is run by an FE Development Lab at a Korean IT company called NHN, and in no way, profits monetarily from your article; also, when publishing the translated work, will make proper citations to the original source. Your article will only be used as educational documents or to be shared among developers. With your permission and after the document is appropriately translated into Korean, it will be shared with everyone with access to the internet.

    Please let me know what you think, and hope you have a great day 🙂

    1. Hi Jaesung, LogRocket editor here. For now, our policy is that we do not approve translations on third-party sites. We appreciate the support, though

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