Rust is gradually becoming the language of choice for many developers who want to build efficient and reliable applications more quickly while still maintaining flexibility and low-level control. With web frameworks like Rocket, web developers can use Rust to build fast and secure web applications.
In this article, we’ll introduce Rust for the web by building a simple web application. While this will be a step-by-step guide on using the Rocket framework to build type-safe, fast, and reliable web applications, this article also assumes that you have a basic understanding of Rust. If you don’t, the book The Rust Programming Language is a great resource for familiarizing yourself with the language.
Before we get started, let’s confirm that we have rustup installed on our machine by running the following command on our terminal:
rustup --version
If the above command results in an error, click here to see rustup installation instructions. Rustup installation sets up Rust and Cargo, Rust’s package manager on our local computer.
With rustup installed, we can use Cargo to create a new Rust project. Let’s run the following command on our terminal:
cargo new rocket-web --bin
This will create a new Rust app named rocket-web. The --bin
flag tells Cargo to generate this as a binary-based project.
Next, we’ll navigate to the new project directory from our terminal and configure Rust nightly as our project toolchain:
cd rocket-web rustup override set nightly
Rocket uses unstable features of Rust, like its syntax extensions. This is why we set up the nightly version of Rust as our project toolchain. Let’s navigate to the ./cargo.toml
file in our root directory and add rocket
as a dependency:
[dependencies] rocket = "0.4.5"
To use Rocket in our project, let’s import it in the ./src/
#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
This imports the macros from the rocket
crate. Alternatively, we can use the following line:
use rocket::*;
Next, we’ll use the #![feature()]
flag to enable the unstable decl_macro
feature for our Rocket project. We’ll need it when creating routes for our web app. Just before the use rocket::*
statement, let’s add this line:
Now that we have this set up, we can go ahead and create our first Rocket route. Le’s import the Json
type from the rocket::response::content
macro. We’ll use this to send a response when our route is called. Our
file should look like this after the Json
import on line 4:
#![feature(decl_macro)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use rocket::response::content::Json; fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }
Next, let’s paste the following block of code just before the main
function to create our first route:
#[get("/hello")] fn hello() -> Json<&'static str> { Json("{ 'status': 'success', 'message': 'Hello API!' }") }
In the above block of code, we started by using the attribute, #get("/hello")]
to tell Rocket that our function expects a GET
request to the /hello
route. Next, we named our function hello()
and specified its return type as Json
with a <&'static str>
This means that when a GET
request is sent to our /hello
route, it will return a JSON response with body of 'status': 'success'
and 'message': 'Hello API!'
, which we added on lines 4–6.
To test our new route, let’s remove the println!
statement in our main()
function and paste the following code inside it:
rocket::ignite() .mount("/api", routes![hello]) .launch();
This uses the ignite()
method from the rocket
crate to create a new instance of Rocket, and then mounts our hello
route with the mount()
method and base path /api
. Finally, we used the launch()
method to start the application server and listen for requests.
We can now run cargo build
on our terminal to compile our Rocket application. We should get a similar response to this:
cargo build Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.25s
Next, let’s run the command cargo run
to start our application. We should get a similar response to this:
cargo run Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24s Running `target\debug\rust_rocket.exe` �👾 Configured for development => address: localhost => port: 8000 => log: normal => workers: 8 => secret key: generated => limits: forms = 32KiB => keep-alive: 5s => tls: disabled 🚀 Mounting /api: => GET /api/hello (hello) ��� Rocket has launched from http://localhost:8000
Finally, we can test our application and route by navigating to http://localhost:8000/api/hello
on our browser or API client. We should receive the following response:
{ 'status': 'success', 'message': 'Hello API!' }
We’ve successfully launched our first Rocket API, but this is just the beginning. Apart from returning JSON responses, Rocket also allows us to return other types like String
, Status
, and Template
. The Rocket documentation does a great job in explaining the different return and response types.
We’ll see how we can use Rocket to render HTML soon, but before that, let’s see what creating a POST
route in Rocket is like. We’ll use our POST
route to add book information to a dummy database.
Rocket has support for databases like MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, Redis, and MongoDB. You can read more about the database options here. We’ll use a vector to create our dummy database for this demo.
Firstly, let’s define what type of information we’ll be expecting from our user when they send a request to our book route. We’ll use a struct named Book
for this. Just before the hello()
route we created, let’s define our new struct:
struct Book { title: String, author: String, isbn: String }
Next, let’s create our POST
route with the following lines of code:
#[post("/book", data = "<book_form>")] fn new_book(book_form: Book) -> String { }
This time around, we added the type of data Rocket should expect when watching for requests as the second argument of the route attribute #[post()]
. We went ahead and supplied the type for book_form
in our new_book()
function argument and defined our function return type as String
. If we try to compile this, we should get an error message similar to the following:
the trait bound `Book: rocket::data::FromDataSimple` is not satisfied
To fix this, let’s add the following line to our import statements at the top of our file to import the Form
use rocket::request::Form;
Next, we’ll add the #[derive(FromForm)]
attribute to our Book
struct. Our struct declaration should now look like this:
#[derive(FromForm)] struct Book { title: String, author: String, isbn: String }
Now, we can implement the [FromData]
trait by wrapping the book_form
type we supplied as our new_book()
function argument with the Form
type we just imported:
#[post("/book", data = "<book_form>")] fn new_book(book_form: Form<Book>) -> String { }
Next, we’ll tell our route what to do whenever it is called. Right inside our new_book()
function, let’s paste the following code:
let book: Book = book_form.into_inner(); let mut dummy_db: Vec<Book> = Vec::new(); dummy_db.push(book); format!("Book added successfully: {:?}", dummy_db)
In the above block, we used the book_form.into_inner()
method to get the request body from our user, then we defined our dummy database as a vector with type Book
and pushed the data we received from our user to it using the dummy_db.push(book)
Finally, we returned the string "Book added successfully: {:?}", dummy_db)
. We used the format!
method for this because we added the vector dummy_db
to our string response. Let’s also add the Debug
flag in our Book
struct attribute to make this possible:
#[derive(FromForm, Debug)] struct Book { ... }
Next, we’ll add our new POST
route to the /api
path in our main()
rocket::ignite() .mount("/api", routes![hello]) .launch();
Now, we can rebuild our app using cargo build
and run it with cargo run
to test our POST
route. We can use cargo-watch
to compile and run our application so that we don’t have to rebuild every time we make changes to our app. Let’s install and use cargo-watch
by running the following commands on our terminal:
cargo install cargo-watch cargo watch -x run
Let’s create a new route for handling 404 responses for nonexistent routes. We’ll name our route not_found
and call it whenever a user requests for a route that does not exist. Let’s paste the following block of code before the main
#[catch(404)] fn not_found(req: &Request) -> String { format!("Oh no! We couldn't find the requested path '{}'", req.uri()) }
In the above block, we started by using the #[catch(404)]
attribute to tell Rocket to return a 404 error when this route is called. We then defined our not_found()
function and supplied it a req
parameter with type Request
and specified String
for its return type. Finally, we returned our error message and included the requested path using the req.uri()
Before we continue, let’s import the Request
type we just used in our not_found
route by adding the following line to our import statements:
use rocket::Request;
Our imports should now look like this:
use rocket::Request; use rocket::response::content::Json; use rocket::request::Form;
Next, let’s modify our Rocket
instance in the main()
function to this:
rocket::ignite() .register(catchers![not_found]) .mount("/api", routes![hello]) .launch();
We called the register()
method in our Rocket instance with our not_found
route via the catchers!
macro. To test our not_found
route, let’s navigate to a path that does not exist from our browser or API client. For example, when we navigate to localhost:8000/api/nothingness
, we should get the following response:
Oh no! We couldn't find the requested path '/api/nothingness'
Let’s explore rendering HTML templates with Rocket. We’ll start by creating a new GET
route with attribute #[get("/")]
just before the hello
route we created earlier:
#[get("/")] fn index() -> Template { }
We’ll use this new route for our application’s landing page. Notice that we named our function index
, and this time, our function’s return type is Template
. Let’s import the Template
type by adding the following line to our import statements:
use rocket_contrib::templates::Template;
Next, we’ll include the following code in our ./cargo.toml
file, right after the dependencies section:
[dependencies.rocket_contrib] version = "0.4.5" features = ["handlebars_templates"]
This adds support for rendering the handlebars_templates
engine in our app. Rocket also has support for the Tera template engine. We can include by either replacing the handlebars_templates
in features, or add it like this:
features = ["handlebars_templates", "tera_templates"]
Now, we can create the ./templates
folder in our project’s root directory. This is where Rocket will look for our template files by default. Let’s create a new file home.hbs
in the ./templates
directory and paste the following code inside it:
<head> <style type="text/css"> body { background: #1a6875; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .left-side { max-width: 45%; text-align: right; position: absolute; top: 15%; left: 0; } .title { color: #fff; font-size: 5em; } .sub-title { color: #fff; font-size: 1.3em; } .right-side { width: 30em; height: 30em; background: #d0e64c; border-radius: 50%; position: absolute; top: 10%; right: 5%; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="left-side"> <h1 class="title">This web app was built with RUST</h1> <p class="sub-title">Hello {{first_name}} {{last_name}}😊</p> </div> <div class="right-side"> <div class="round-image"></div> </div> </body>
If you’re not familiar with the Handlebars templating language, you can check here to go through their documentation. It’s very similar to regular HTML code. If you notice, inside our <body>
tag and in the left-side
div, we have a paragraph with class of sub-title
that contains Hello {{first_name}} {{last_name}}😊
. We’ll supply these variables when rendering our home.hbs
Let’s go back to our index route in the ./src/
file. Inside the function, we’ll create a struct named Context
and use Serde to implement Serialize on our struct. Our struct will define the type for the variables our template file is expecting:
#[derive(Serialize)] struct Context { first_name: String, last_name: String }
We’ll also import the Serialize
type that we just used for our Context
use serde::Serialize;
Our import statements should now look like this:
use rocket::Request; use rocket::response::content::Json; use rocket::request::Form; use rocket_contrib::templates::Template; use serde::Serialize;
Next, let’s add it to our dependencies in the cargo.toml
[dependencies] rocket = "0.4.5" serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
Back to our ./src/
file — in the index()
function, we’ll declare a new variable named context
and use the Context
type we created earlier to provide it its values:
let context = Context { first_name: String::from("Jane"), last_name: String::from("Doe") };
Now that we’ve added the values we used in the home.hbs
file, let’s return our template with the data we just created:
Template::render("home", context)
After this is done, our index route should look like this:
#[get("/")] fn index() -> Template { #[derive(Serialize)] struct Context { first_name: String, last_name: String } let context = Context { first_name: String::from("Ebenezer"), last_name: String::from("Don") }; Template::render("home", context) }
To make our template renderable, we’ll need to register it. For this, we’ll attach the Template::fairing()
method on our Rocket instance with .attach(Template::fairing())
, and then mount our index
route and use "/"
as its base. Our main()
function should look like this after we’re done:
fn main() { rocket::ignite() .register(catchers![not_found]) .mount("/", routes![index]) .mount("/api", routes![hello, new_book]) .attach(Template::fairing()) .launch(); }
Notice that we mounted the index
separately from the hello
and new_book
routes. Since this is our landing page, we’re using a different base
path "/"
so that we only need to navigate to localhost:8000
to see our rendered template.
Our ./src/
file should now look like this:
#![feature(decl_macro)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use rocket::Request; use rocket::response::content::Json; use rocket::request::Form; use rocket_contrib::templates::Template; use serde::Serialize; #[derive(FromForm, Debug)] struct Book { title: String, author: String, isbn: String } #[get("/")] fn index() -> Template { #[derive(Serialize)] struct Context { first_name: String, last_name: String } let context = Context { first_name: String::from("Jane"), last_name: String::from("Doe") }; Template::render("home", context) } #[get("/hello")] fn hello() -> Json<&'static str> { Json("{ 'status': 'success', 'message': 'Hello API!' }") } #[catch(404)] fn not_found(req: &Request) -> String { print!("{}", req); format!("Oh no! We couldn't find the requested path '{}'", req.uri()) } #[post("/book", data = "<book_form>")] fn new_book(book_form: Form<Book>) -> String { let book: Book = book_form.into_inner(); let mut dummy_db: Vec<Book> = Vec::new(); dummy_db.push(book); format!("Book added successfully: {:?}", dummy_db) } fn main() { rocket::ignite() .register(catchers![not_found]) .mount("/", routes![index]) .mount("/api", routes![hello, new_book]) .attach(Template::fairing()) .launch(); }
Now, when we run our application and navigate to localhost:8000
, we should see a page similar to this on our browser:
In this article, we’ve introduced Rust for the web through the Rocket framework. We covered the basics of Rocket, how to set up up web APIs, response types, error handling, and rendering HTML through the Handlebars template engine.
While Rocket is a good fit for building web APIs, it might not be the best choice for handling frontend rendering, like we did in the last part of this article. However, Rust shines in this area through the Yew framework, which was built for creating multi-threaded frontend web apps with WebAssembly.
Overall, Rocket makes writing web applications relatively fast compared to other web frameworks, and it does this with very little boilerplate code. Here’s a link to the GitHub repo for our demo app.
Debugging Rust applications can be difficult, especially when users experience issues that are hard to reproduce. If you’re interested in monitoring and tracking the performance of your Rust apps, automatically surfacing errors, and tracking slow network requests and load time, try LogRocket.
LogRocket is like a DVR for web and mobile apps, recording literally everything that happens on your Rust application. Instead of guessing why problems happen, you can aggregate and report on what state your application was in when an issue occurred. LogRocket also monitors your app’s performance, reporting metrics like client CPU load, client memory usage, and more.
Modernize how you debug your Rust apps — start monitoring for free.
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Sign up nowDiscover how the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) enables developers to build dynamic, performant, modern websites and apps.
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7 Replies to "Building web apps with Rust using the Rocket framework"
Hi, it’s a great post!!!
Just a little typo after defining POST API.
It should be
.mount(“/api”, routes![hello, new_book])
Thanks, TitanEric! You’re right, we’ll make the correction.
Thanks for this post! Being totally new to rust, also to command line stuff etc; how would I test the post to /book? I tried some things in the address bar, as well as some curl commands but can’t seem to understand.. Thanks!
Hi Marit, I’m glad you found the article helpful! To easily make the POST requests, you’ll need an API client like Postman ( or Insomnia (
Please let me know if this helps.
Thanks, I will look into that!
just in the begginning I see a flaw in your code: the json response is invalid since it can’t understand single quotes, so you should change it all in the response…
it goes a little like this:
\”status\”: \”success\”,
\”message\”: \”Hello API!\”
Hi Ze, it’s actually correct. Here’s a link to to the Rocket documentation: