In this tutorial, we will work with Vue, Vue Router, Vuetify, and node-fetch to build the front end of an inventory management application. Vue
is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces on the web . Vue Router
is the official router for the Vue
framework. Vuetify
is a Vue
UI library with beautifully handcrafted Material Components. node-fetch
is a module that allows you to make HTTP requests to API endpoints or any URL.
At the end of this tutorial you will have an application that looks like this:
In order to follow this tutorial, you will need:
In this section, we will create your project’s directory structure. Then we will initialize a Node.js project for your application client.
Open a terminal window and clone the repository that contains the back end I created in advance for this tutorial from GitHub:
git clone
After running the command above you will have a directory named inventory-management-system
Navigate into this directory:
cd inventory-management-system
The folder structure should look like this:
The server
directory, contains the back end for your inventory management application. The back end consists of a GraphQL server connected to a MongoDB database. In order to build this GraphQL server, I used Node.js, Docker, MongoDB, graphql-yoga, mongoose, and connect-history-api-fallback.
Inside your database you will have the following collections:
Now that you know what is happening in the back end it’s time to build the front end of your inventory management application.
Still in the inventory-management-system
directory, create a subdirectory named client
mkdir client
Navigate into the client
cd client
Use the Vue CLI
to create a new Vue
project in the current directory:
vue create .
When asked to create a new project in the current directory type y
You will be prompted to pick a preset, select Manually select features
Select Babel
and Router
When asked if you want to use history mode for Router type y
According to the Vue Router website, the default mode for Vue router is hash mode – it uses the URL hash to simulate a full URL so that the page won’t be reloaded when the URL changes. To get rid of the hash, you can use the router’s history mode, which leverages the history.
When asked where you want to place config, select In dedicated config files
and when asked if you want to save these configurations for future projects type y
or n
After the Vue CLI
finishes creating the project, install the missing dependencies.
First, install Vuetify
using the Vue CLI
by running the following command:
vue add vuetify
When asked to select a preset, choose default
In this block of code, you have installed Vuetify
. You will use this module to create the inventory management system UI without having to worry too much about CSS.
Lastly, use npm
to install node-fetch
npm install node-fetch --save
In this block of code, you have installed node-fetch
is a module that allows you to make HTTP requests to API endpoints, or any URL. You will use this module to consume the GraphQL API in the serverIn this section, you created a project directory and initialized a Node.js project for your application client. In the next section, you will start building the user interface for this application.
In this step, you are going to use Vuetify
to create the layout and vue-router
to handle the routes for the application client.
Navigate to thesrc
cd src
The folder structure should look something like this:
Open your App.vue
nano App.vue
Remove the <style>
component and replace the contents in the <template>
component with the following:
<template> <v-app id="app"> <v-navigation-drawer v-model="drawer" app clipped> <v-list dense v-for="route in routes" :key="route.title"> <v-list-item link @click="navigateTo(route.path)"> <v-list-item-action> <v-icon>{{route.icon}}</v-icon> </v-list-item-action> <v-list-item-content> <v-list-item-title>{{route.title}}</v-list-item-title> </v-list-item-content> </v-list-item> </v-list> </v-navigation-drawer> <v-app-bar app clipped-left> <v-app-bar-nav-icon @click.stop="drawer = !drawer"></v-app-bar-nav-icon> <v-toolbar-title>Application</v-toolbar-title> </v-app-bar> <v-main> <v-container class="fill-height" fluid> <v-row align="center" justify="center"> <v-col> <router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </v-main> <v-footer app> <span>© {{ new Date().getFullYear() }}</span> </v-footer> </v-app> </template>
In the block of code above, you have added inside the <-app>
component the following components, <v-navigation-drawer>
, <v-app-bar>
, <v-main>
, and <v-footer>
is used in conjunction with the <v-app-bar>
component to allow you to navigate through the routes of your application<v-main>
component is where the views of your application will be displayed<v-footer>
component is where the footer of your application will be displayedNow replace the contents inside your <script>
component with the following:
<script> export default { name: "App", data: () => ({ drawer: null, routes: [ { path: "home", title: "Dashboard", icon: "mdi-view-dashboard" }, { path: "users", title: "Users", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "categories", title: "Categories", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "products", title: "Products", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "inventory", title: "Inventory", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "orders", title: "Orders", icon: "mdi-cog" }, ], }), created() { this.$vuetify.theme.light = true; }, } </script>
In the block of code above, you have created the data
field and the created()
field for the App.vue
field contains two subfields, drawer
and routes
. drawer
will be used to control the application navigation drawer and routes
contains the data that will be used to generate the items in the drawer
field will be used to change the application theme to light because by default it was set to darkAdd the following code below to the created()
<script> export default { . . . methods: { navigateTo(route) { if (this.$ !== route) { this.$router.push({ name: route }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }); } }, }, } </script>
In the block of code above, you have added the methods
field, and inside this method you added a method named navigateTo()
. The navigateTo()
method receives as an argument a string named route
, using conditional logic this method checks if the current route is not equal to route
and if that is the case it navigates to this received route
. This method will be called whenever you click an item in the <v-navigation-drawer>
Your App.vue
should look something like this:
<template> <v-app id="app"> <v-navigation-drawer v-model="drawer" app clipped> <v-list dense v-for="route in routes" :key="route.title"> <v-list-item link @click="navigateTo(route.path)"> <v-list-item-action> <v-icon>{{route.icon}}</v-icon> </v-list-item-action> <v-list-item-content> <v-list-item-title>{{route.title}}</v-list-item-title> </v-list-item-content> </v-list-item> </v-list> </v-navigation-drawer> <v-app-bar app clipped-left> <v-app-bar-nav-icon @click.stop="drawer = !drawer"></v-app-bar-nav-icon> <v-toolbar-title>Application</v-toolbar-title> </v-app-bar> <v-main> <v-container class="fill-height" fluid> <v-row align="center" justify="center"> <v-col> <router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </v-main> <v-footer app> <span>© {{ new Date().getFullYear() }}</span> </v-footer> </v-app> </template> <script> export default { name: "App", data: () => ({ drawer: null, routes: [ { path: "home", title: "Dashboard", icon: "mdi-view-dashboard" }, { path: "users", title: "Users", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "categories", title: "Categories", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "products", title: "Products", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "inventory", title: "Inventory", icon: "mdi-cog" }, { path: "orders", title: "Orders", icon: "mdi-cog" }, ], }), created() { this.$vuetify.theme.light = true; }, methods: { navigateTo(route) { if (this.$ !== route) { this.$router.push({ name: route }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }); } }, }, } </script>
Navigate to the router
cd router
Open the index.js
nano index.js
Remove the line where you import the Home
view component:
import Home from '../views/Home.vue'
Replace the content of the routes
array with the following:
. . . const routes = const routes = [ { path: '/', name: 'home', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "home" */ '../views/Home.vue') }, { path: '/users', name: 'users', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/categories', name: 'categories', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/inventory', name: 'inventory', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/products', name: 'products', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/orders', name: 'orders', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') } ]
In the block of code above, you added the following routes to the routes
array, home
, users
, categories
, products
, inventory
, and orders
route will display a grid of cards, each card will display a collection name and the number of documents in it, and allow you to navigate to the route that contains the collection datausers
, categories
, products
, inventory
, and orders
route will allow you to manage the documents in the users
, categories
, products
, inventories
, and orders
collection respectivelyIn every route, you are lazily loading the view component. All routes contents will be displayed in the Table
view component with the exception of the home
route contents which will be displayed in the Home
view component.
Your index.js
file should look like the following:
import Vue from 'vue' import VueRouter from 'vue-router' Vue.use(VueRouter) const routes = [ { path: '/', name: 'home', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "home" */ '../views/Home.vue') }, { path: '/users', name: 'users', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/categories', name: 'categories', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/inventory', name: 'inventory', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/products', name: 'products', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') }, { path: '/orders', name: 'orders', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "table" */ '../views/Table.vue') } ] const router = new VueRouter({ mode: 'history', base: process.env.BASE_URL, routes }) export default router
In this section, you have created the layout and the routes for your application client. In the next section, you will start creating views for your application client.
In this section, you are going to start creating the views for your application client. The application will have two views named Home
and Table
, which will reside in the Home.vue
and Table.vue
file respectively. In this section, you are going to create the Home
Navigate to the views
cd ../views
Open the file named Home.vue
nano Home.vue
Replace the content inside the <template>
component with the following:
<template> <v-container fluid> <v-row dense> <v-col v-for="card in cards" :key="card.title" :cols="card.flex"> <v-hover v-slot:default="{ hover }"> <v-card :elevation="hover ? 16 : 2" :style="hover? 'cursor: pointer': '' "> <v-card-text @click="navigateTo(card.title.toLowerCase())"> <h2 style="color:black" class="text-center">{{card.title}}</h2> <h2 style="color:black; margin-top:20px; height: 50px" class="text-center" >{{card.quantity}}</h2> </v-card-text> </v-card> </v-hover> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </template>
In the block of code above, you have added inside the <template>
component a <v-container
component. You will use this component to create a grid with five cards. Each card will display a collection name and the number of documents that this collection has. You also added a click listener to each card in order to navigate to a specific route whenever you click on it.
Replace the content inside the <script>
component with the following:
<script> import actions from "../components/actions" export default { name: "Home", data: () => ({ cards: [], }), created() { this.initialize(); }, } </script>
In the block of code above, you are importing an object named actions
from the actions.js
file in the components directory. Then you added the data
and the created()
field. Inside the data
field you added a sub field named cards
which holds an empty array. Inside the created()
field you called a method named initialize()
, you will create this method in a moment.
Please note that you haven’t created the actions.js
yet, this file will be responsible for consuming the GraphQL API, it will allow you to query and mutate data in your MongoDB instance.
Add the following code below the created()
<script> . . . export default { . . . methods: { async initialize() { let categories = await actions.getCategories(); let users = await actions.getUsers(); let products = await actions.getProducts(); let inventoryItems = await actions.getInventoryItems(); let orders = await actions.getOrders(); = [ { title: "Products", quantity: products.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "Categories", quantity: categories.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "Inventory", quantity: inventoryItems.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "Users", quantity: users.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "orders", quantity: orders.length, flex: 4 }, ] }, }, } </script>
In the block of code above, you have added the methods
field, and inside this field, you created a method named initialize()
. Inside the initialize()
you used the methods provided by the actions
object to retrieve data from all collections then you took this data and added to the cards
Add the following code below the initialize()
<script> . . . export default { . . . methods: { . . . navigateTo(route) { if (this.$ !== route) { this.$router.push({ name: route }).catch((error) => { console.log(error); }) } }, }, } </script>
In the block of code above, you have added inside the methods
field, a method named navigateTo()
. The navigateTo()
method receives as an argument a string named route
, using conditional logic this method checks if the current route is not equal to route
and if that is the case it navigates to this received route
. This method will be called whenever you click a card in this view.
Your Home.vue
file should look something like this:
<template> <v-container fluid> <v-row dense> <v-col v-for="card in cards" :key="card.title" :cols="card.flex"> <v-hover v-slot:default="{ hover }"> <v-card :elevation="hover ? 16 : 2" :style="hover? 'cursor: pointer': '' "> <v-card-text @click="navigateTo(card.title.toLowerCase())"> <h2 style="color:black" class="text-center">{{card.title}}</h2> <h2 style="color:black; margin-top:20px; height: 50px" class="text-center" >{{card.quantity}}</h2> </v-card-text> </v-card> </v-hover> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </template> <script> import actions from "../components/actions" export default { name: "Home", data: () => ({ cards: [], }), created() { this.initialize(); }, methods: { async initialize() { let categories = await actions.getCategories(); let users = await actions.getUsers(); let products = await actions.getProducts(); let inventoryItems = await actions.getInventoryItems(); let orders = await actions.getOrders(); = [ { title: "Products", quantity: products.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "Categories", quantity: categories.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "Inventory", quantity: inventoryItems.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "Users", quantity: users.length, flex: 4 }, { title: "orders", quantity: orders.length, flex: 4 }, ] }, navigateTo(route) { if (this.$ !== route) { this.$router.push({ name: route }).catch((error) => { console.log(error); }) } }, }, } </script>
In this section, you have created the Home
view for your application client. In the next section, you will create the Table
In this section, you are going to create the table view which will display data for the users
, products
, categories
, inventories
, and orders
route. You are going to use the v-data-table
component provided by Vuetify
to display the data.
Still in the views
directory, create a file named Table.vue
nano Table.vue
Add the following code inside the Table.vue
<template> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="rows" sort-by="name" class="elevation-2"> <template v-slot:top> <v-toolbar flat color="white"> <v-toolbar-title>{{$}}</v-toolbar-title> <v-divider class="mx-4" inset vertical></v-divider> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="500px"> <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }"> <v-btn color="primary" dark class="mb-2" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">New Item</v-btn> </template> <v-card> <v-card-title> <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span> </v-card-title> <v-card-text> <v-container> <v-row v-for="(value, key) in editedItem " v-bind:key="key"> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4" v-if=" key !== 'id' && key !=='category' && key !='dateAdded' && key !=='product' && key !=='user' "> <v-text-field :type =" key === 'quantity' || key === 'price' ? 'Number' : 'text' " v-model="editedItem[key]" :label="key" ></v-text-field> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row v-if="editedIndex === -1 && $ === 'inventory' "> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.product" :items="options.products" label="products" item-text="name" item-value="id" ></v-select> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row v-else-if="$ === 'products'"> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.category" :items="options.categories" label="categories" item-text="name" item-value="id" ></v-select> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row v-else-if="editedIndex === -1 && $ === 'orders'"> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.product" :items="options.inventoryItems" label="products" item-text="" item-value="" ></v-select> </v-col> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.user" :items="options.users" label="users" item-text="username" item-value="id" ></v-select> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </v-card-text> <v-card-actions> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="close">Cancel</v-btn> <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="save">Save</v-btn> </v-card-actions> </v-card> </v-dialog> </v-toolbar> </template> <template v-slot:[`item.actions`]="{ item }"> <v-icon small class="mr-2" @click="editItem(item)">mdi-pencil</v-icon> <v-icon small @click="deleteItem(item)">mdi-delete</v-icon> </template> <template v-slot:no-data> <v-btn color="primary" @click="initialize">Reset</v-btn> </template> </v-data-table> </template>
In the block of code above, you have created a <template>
component, and inside it, you added a <v-data-table>
. Inside the <v-data-table>
component you have added the components needed in order to manage data in your collections. Most of the code above was provided by Vuetify
and you only needed to make the <v-data-table>
able to handle data from multiple collections instead of only one.
Add the following code below the <template>
<script> import actions from "../components/actions"; export default { name: "Table", data: () => ({ dialog: false, headers: [], options: {}, rows: [], editedIndex: -1, editedItem: {}, defaultItem: {}, }), computed: { formTitle() { return this.editedIndex === -1 ? "New Item" : "Edit Item"; }, }, } </script>
In the block of code above, first, you created the <script>
component, and inside it, you have imported an object named actions
from the actions.js
. Inside this component, you also created an object that will contain the information needed to create a <v-data-table>
containing data from a collection in your MongoDB instance. Inside this object, you added the following fields: name
, data
field is where you set the name for your componentdata
field is where you keep the information needed to create and manage your <v-data-table>
. You have added inside the data
field the following sub fields: dialog
, headers
, options
, rows
, editedIndex
, editedItem
, defaultItem
field is what you will use to display, or not, the <v-dialog>
field is where you set the headers for the <v-data-table>
field is where you store the array of key-value pairs objects needed in the <v-select>
field is where you store the documents retrieved from a collection in your MongoDB instanceeditedIndex
field is where you control if it’s an “add a new item” or “edit item” operationeditedItem
field is where you store the model object that will be used when editing an itemdefaultItem
field is where you store the model object that will be used when adding a new itemcomputed
field is where you store any complex logic needed in the <template>
component, inside this field you have added a method named formTitle
which will be used to set the value in the title of the <v-dialog>
componentAdd the following code below your computed
<script> . . . export default { . . . created() { this.initialize() }, methods: { async initialize() { switch (this.$ { case "users": break case "categories": break case "products": break case "inventory": break case "orders": break } } } } </script>
In the block of code above, you have added below the computed
field the following fields, created()
and methods
field is a method that runs when this view is created, inside this method you called a method named initialize()
field is the property where you store all the methods that you will need in the current view. Inside this property, you have added a method named initialize()
The initialize()
method will be where you retrieve information from your GraphQL server and store it in the fields of the data
property. This method consists of a switch statement with the following cases, users
, categories
, products
, inventory
, and orders
. Meaning, when you visit a route, one of the cases will be triggered and information needed to create a <v-data-table>
for this route will be retrieved.
Replace the content of case "users":
with the following code:
. . . async initialize() { switch (this.$ { case "users": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Name", value: "name" }, { text: "username", value: "username" }, { text: "Email", value: "email" }, { text: "Phone number", value: "phoneNumber" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { name: "", username: "", email: "", phoneNumber: ""} this.defaultItem = { name: "", username: "", email: "", phoneNumber: ""} const users = await actions.getUsers() this.rows = users break . . . }
The code you added above will be triggered when you visit the users
route. This block of code is responsible for adding the data needed in the headers
, editedItem
, defaultItem
, and rows
field in the data
property. The data assigned to the rows
object was retrieved by calling the getUsers()
method provided by the actions
You are going to do the same thing you did in the block of code above to the remaining cases
as well.
After replacing the content of the remaining cases, your initialize()
will look like this :
. . . async initialize() { switch (this.$ { case "users": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Name", value: "name" }, { text: "username", value: "username" }, { text: "Email", value: "email" }, { text: "Phone number", value: "phoneNumber" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ]; this.editedItem = { name: "", username: "", email: "", phoneNumber: ""} this.defaultItem = { name: "", username: "", email: "", phoneNumber: ""} const users = await actions.getUsers() this.rows = users break case "categories": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Name", value: "name" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { name: "" } this.defaultItem = { name: "" } const categories = await actions.getCategories() this.rows = categories break case "products": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Name", value: "name" }, { text: "Category", value: "category" }, { text: "Price", value: "price" }, { text: "Date added", value: "dateAdded" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { name: "", price: 0, category: ""} this.defaultItem = { name: "", price: 0, category: ""} this.options.categories = await actions.getCategories() const products = await actions.getProducts() for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { products[i].category = products[i]; products[i].dateAdded = new Date(products[i].dateAdded) } this.rows = products; break case "inventory": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Product", value: "product" }, { text: "Quantity", value: "quantity" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { quantity: 0 } this.defaultItem = { product: "", quantity: 0 } this.options.products = await actions.getProducts() const inventoryItems = await actions.getInventoryItems() for (let i = 0; i < inventoryItems.length; i++) { inventoryItems[i].product = inventoryItems[i] } this.rows = inventoryItems break case "orders": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Product", value: "product" }, { text: "Quantity", value: "quantity" }, { text: "User", value: "user" }, { text: "Total", value: "total" }, { text: "Date added", value: "dateAdded" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { quantity: 0 } this.defaultItem = { product: "", user: "", quantity: 0 } this.options.inventoryItems = await actions.getInventoryItems(); this.options.users = await actions.getUsers() const orders = await actions.getOrders() for (let i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) { orders[i].product = orders[i] orders[i].user = orders[i].user.username orders[i].dateAdded = new Date(orders[i].dateAdded) } this.rows = orders break; } },
Add the following code below the initialize()
. . . editItem(item) { this.editedIndex = this.rows.indexOf(item); this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item); this.dialog = true; }, close() { this.dialog = false; this.$nextTick(() => { this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem); this.editedIndex = -1 }); }, } . . .
In the block of code above you have added the following methods inside the methods
property, editItem()
and close()
field is a method that receives as an argument an object named item
, which is one of the objects in the rows
array, changes the editedIndex
to the index of the item
in the rows
array, assigns the item
to the editedItem
object and then opens the <v-dialog>
component by setting the dialog
value to true
field is a method that closes the <v-dialog>
component by setting the dialog
value to false
, assigns the defaultItem
to the editedItem
and then changes the editedIndex
value to -1
Add the following code below to your close()
. . . async deleteItem(item) { const index = this.rows.indexOf(item) const message = "Are you sure you want to delete this item?" switch (this.$ { case "users": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteUser( && this.rows.splice(index,1) break case "categories": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteCategory( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break case "products": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteProduct( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break case "inventory": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteInventoryItem( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break case "orders": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteOrder( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break } } . . .
In the block of code above, you have added to the methods
property a method named deleteItem()
. The deleteItem()
receives as an argument an object named item
which is one of the objects in the rows
array, finds the index of this item
in the rows
array and then stores it in a variable named index
. After finding the index
, you created a variable named message
and inside it, you stored a string that asks if you want to delete this item
. Lastly, you create a switch statement that will run whenever you want to delete an item
in the users
, categories
, products
, inventory
, or orders
Add the following code below your deleteItem()
. . . async save() { if (this.editedIndex > -1) { switch (this.$ { case "users": break case "categories": break case "products": break case "inventory": break case "orders": break } } else { switch (this.$ { case "users": break case "categories": break case "products": break case "inventory": break case "orders": break } } this.close() }
In the block of code above, you have added to the methods
property a method named save()
. You have used conditional logic to handle the new item and the edited item save operation. If the editedIndex
is greater than -1
that means that you are trying to save an item that you edited, however, if that is not the case it means that you are trying to save a new item. Inside each condition, you created a switch statement in order to be able to save data when you are in the users
, categories
, products
, inventory
, or orders
route. After running one of the conditions you called the close()
method in order to close the <v-dialog>
Add the following code in each case "users":
async save() { if (this.editedIndex > -1) { switch (this.$ { case "users": await actions.updateUser(this.editedItem).then((user) => { Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], user); }) break . . . } } else { switch (this.$ { case "users": await actions.addUser(this.editedItem).then((user) => { this.rows.push(user) }) break . . . } } this.close() }
In the block of code above, you have added the logic for the two case "users":
. In the first case "users":
you use the updateUser()
method provided by the actions
object to update the values of an existing document in your users
collection, then you take the object sent in the response and assign it to the object in the rows
array whose index is equal to the editedIndex
. In the second case "users":
you use the addUser()
method provided by the actions
object to add a new document to the users
collection, then you take the object in the response and add it to the rows
You are going to do the same thing you did in the block of code above to the remaining cases
as well.
After replacing the content of the remaining cases, your save()
method will look like this:
async save() { if (this.editedIndex > -1) { switch (this.$ { case "users": await actions.updateUser(this.editedItem).then((user) => { Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], user); }) break case "categories": await actions.updateCategory(this.editedItem).then((category) => { Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], category); }) break case "products": this.editedItem.price = parseFloat(this.editedItem.price); for (let i = 0; i < this.options.categories.length; i++) { if (this.options.categories[i].name === this.editedItem.category) { this.editedItem.category = this.options.categories[i].id } } await actions.updateProduct(this.editedItem).then((product) => { product.category =; Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], product) }) break case "inventory": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity) await actions .updateInventoryItem(this.editedItem) .then((inventoryItem) => { inventoryItem.product = Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], inventoryItem) }) break case "orders": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity); console.log("edited", this.editedItem); await actions.updateOrder(this.editedItem).then((order) => { order.product = order.user = order.user.username Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], order) }) break } } else { switch (this.$ { case "users": await actions.addUser(this.editedItem).then((user) => { this.rows.push(user) }) break case "categories": await actions.addCategory(this.editedItem).then((category) => { console.log("category", category) this.rows.push(category) }) break case "products": this.editedItem.price = parseFloat(this.editedItem.price); await actions.addProduct(this.editedItem).then((product) => { product.category = product.dateAdded = new Date(product.dateAdded) this.rows.push(product) }) break case "inventory": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity) await actions .addInventoryItem(this.editedItem) .then((inventoryItem) => { inventoryItem.product = this.rows.push(inventoryItem) }) break case "orders": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity); console.log("model", this.editedItem); let order = await actions .addOrder(this.editedItem) .then((order) => { order.product = order.user = order.user.username order.dateAdded = new Date(order.dateAdded) this.rows.push(order) }) break } } this.close() }
Your Table.vue
file should look like this:
<template> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="rows" sort-by="name" class="elevation-2"> <template v-slot:top> <v-toolbar flat color="white"> <v-toolbar-title>{{$}}</v-toolbar-title> <v-divider class="mx-4" inset vertical></v-divider> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="500px"> <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }"> <v-btn color="primary" dark class="mb-2" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">New Item</v-btn> </template> <v-card> <v-card-title> <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span> </v-card-title> <v-card-text> <v-container> <v-row v-for="(value, key) in editedItem " v-bind:key="key"> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4" v-if=" key !== 'id' && key !=='category' && key !='dateAdded' && key !=='product' && key !=='user' "> <v-text-field :type =" key === 'quantity' || key === 'price' ? 'Number' : 'text' " v-model="editedItem[key]" :label="key" ></v-text-field> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row v-if="editedIndex === -1 && $ === 'inventory' "> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.product" :items="options.products" label="products" item-text="name" item-value="id" ></v-select> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row v-else-if="$ === 'products'"> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.category" :items="options.categories" label="categories" item-text="name" item-value="id" ></v-select> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row v-else-if="editedIndex === -1 && $ === 'orders'"> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.product" :items="options.inventoryItems" label="products" item-text="" item-value="" ></v-select> </v-col> <v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4"> <v-select v-model="editedItem.user" :items="options.users" label="users" item-text="username" item-value="id" ></v-select> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </v-card-text> <v-card-actions> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="close">Cancel</v-btn> <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="save">Save</v-btn> </v-card-actions> </v-card> </v-dialog> </v-toolbar> </template> <template v-slot:[`item.actions`]="{ item }"> <v-icon small class="mr-2" @click="editItem(item)">mdi-pencil</v-icon> <v-icon small @click="deleteItem(item)">mdi-delete</v-icon> </template> <template v-slot:no-data> <v-btn color="primary" @click="initialize">Reset</v-btn> </template> </v-data-table> </template> <script> import actions from "../components/actions"; export default { name: "Table", data: () => ({ dialog: false, headers: [], options: [], rows: [], editedIndex: -1, editedItem: {}, defaultItem: {}, }), computed: { formTitle() { return this.editedIndex === -1 ? "New Item" : "Edit Item"; }, }, created() { this.initialize() }, methods: { async initialize() { switch (this.$ { case "users": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Name", value: "name" }, { text: "username", value: "username" }, { text: "Email", value: "email" }, { text: "Phone number", value: "phoneNumber" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ]; this.editedItem = { name: "", username: "", email: "", phoneNumber: ""} this.defaultItem = { name: "", username: "", email: "", phoneNumber: ""} const users = await actions.getUsers() this.rows = users break case "categories": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Name", value: "name" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { name: "" } this.defaultItem = { name: "" } const categories = await actions.getCategories() this.rows = categories break case "products": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Name", value: "name" }, { text: "Category", value: "category" }, { text: "Price", value: "price" }, { text: "Date added", value: "dateAdded" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { name: "", price: 0, category: ""} this.defaultItem = { name: "", price: 0, category: ""} this.options.categories = await actions.getCategories() const products = await actions.getProducts() for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { products[i].category = products[i]; products[i].dateAdded = new Date(products[i].dateAdded) } this.rows = products; break case "inventory": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Product", value: "product" }, { text: "Quantity", value: "quantity" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { quantity: 0 } this.defaultItem = { product: "", quantity: 0 } this.options.products = await actions.getProducts() const inventoryItems = await actions.getInventoryItems() for (let i = 0; i < inventoryItems.length; i++) { inventoryItems[i].product = inventoryItems[i] } this.rows = inventoryItems break case "orders": this.headers = [ { text: "ID", value: "id" }, { text: "Product", value: "product" }, { text: "Quantity", value: "quantity" }, { text: "User", value: "user" }, { text: "Total", value: "total" }, { text: "Date added", value: "dateAdded" }, { text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false }, ] this.editedItem = { quantity: 0 } this.defaultItem = { product: "", user: "", quantity: 0 } this.options.inventoryItems = await actions.getInventoryItems(); this.options.users = await actions.getUsers() const orders = await actions.getOrders() for (let i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) { orders[i].product = orders[i] orders[i].user = orders[i].user.username orders[i].dateAdded = new Date(orders[i].dateAdded) } this.rows = orders break; } }, editItem(item) { console.log(item) this.editedIndex = this.rows.indexOf(item); this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item); this.dialog = true; }, close() { this.dialog = false; this.$nextTick(() => { this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem); this.editedIndex = -1 }); }, async deleteItem(item) { const index = this.rows.indexOf(item) const message = "Are you sure you want to delete this item?" switch (this.$ { case "users": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteUser( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break case "categories": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteCategory( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break case "products": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteProduct( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break case "inventory": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteInventoryItem( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break case "orders": confirm(message) && (await actions.deleteOrder( && this.rows.splice(index, 1) break } }, async save() { if (this.editedIndex > -1) { switch (this.$ { case "users": await actions.updateUser(this.editedItem).then((user) => { Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], user); }) break case "categories": await actions.updateCategory(this.editedItem).then((category) => { Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], category); }) break case "products": this.editedItem.price = parseFloat(this.editedItem.price); for (let i = 0; i < this.options.categories.length; i++) { if (this.options.categories[i].name === this.editedItem.category) { this.editedItem.category = this.options.categories[i].id } } await actions.updateProduct(this.editedItem).then((product) => { product.category =; Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], product) }) break case "inventory": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity) await actions .updateInventoryItem(this.editedItem) .then((inventoryItem) => { inventoryItem.product = Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], inventoryItem) }) break case "orders": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity); console.log("edited", this.editedItem); await actions.updateOrder(this.editedItem).then((order) => { order.product = order.user = order.user.username Object.assign(this.rows[this.editedIndex], order) }) break } } else { switch (this.$ { case "users": await actions.addUser(this.editedItem).then((user) => { this.rows.push(user) }) break case "categories": await actions.addCategory(this.editedItem).then((category) => { console.log("category", category) this.rows.push(category) }) break case "products": this.editedItem.price = parseFloat(this.editedItem.price); await actions.addProduct(this.editedItem).then((product) => { product.category = product.dateAdded = new Date(product.dateAdded) this.rows.push(product) }) break case "inventory": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity) await actions .addInventoryItem(this.editedItem) .then((inventoryItem) => { inventoryItem.product = this.rows.push(inventoryItem) }) break case "orders": this.editedItem.quantity = parseInt(this.editedItem.quantity); console.log("model", this.editedItem); let order = await actions .addOrder(this.editedItem) .then((order) => { order.product = order.user = order.user.username order.dateAdded = new Date(order.dateAdded) this.rows.push(order) }) break } } this.close() }, }, } </script>
In this section, you have created the Table
view. In the next section, you will create a file named actions.js
and inside it, you will create the actions
object and the methods that you used in this view and in the Home
In this section, you will create a file named actions.js
. This file will contain the methods needed in order to interact with your GraphQL server. These methods will reside in an object named actions
Navigate to your components
cd ../components
Create a file named actions.js
nano actions.js
Add the following code to your actions.js
import fetch from "node-fetch" const actions = {} actions.sendOperation = async (operation) => { const fetchData = await fetch("http://localhost:4000/graphql", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: operation, }), }) const { data, error } = await fetchData.json(); return data }
In the block of code above, you have imported the node-fetch
module and assigned it a variable called fetch
, created an object named actions
and added to this object a method named sendOperation()
. The sendOperation()
method receives as an argument a string containing a query or mutation operation named operation
. It uses the node-fetch
module to send the operation
to the GraphQL server, stores the response data and error in the variables named data
, error
respectively, then it returns the data
. This method will be used to send all queries and mutations to the GraphQL server.
Add the following code at the bottom of your actions.js
actions.getUsers = async () => { let query = `query{ getUsers{ id name username email phoneNumber } } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(query) return data.getUsers }
In the block of code above, you have added to the actions
object a method named getUsers()
. In this method, you create the query
needed in order to retrieve all documents in the users
collection. After creating the query
, you call the sendOperation()
method and pass this query
as an argument. Lastly, you store the data retrieved in a variable named data
and then you return the value of the getUsers
property inside this data
Add the following code to the bottom of your actions.js
actions.addUser = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation{ addUser(input:{ name:"${}" username:"${item.username}" phoneNumber:"${item.phoneNumber}" email:"${}" }){ id name username email phoneNumber } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.addUser }
In the block of code above, you have added to the actions
object a method named addUser()
. In this method, you create the mutation
needed in order to add a new document in the users
collection. After creating the mutation
, you call the sendOperation()
method and pass this mutation
as an argument. Lastly, you store the data retrieved in a variable named data
and then you return the value of the addUser
property inside this data
Add the following code to the bottom of your actions.js
actions.updateUser = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation { updateUser(id: "${}", input: { name:"${}", username:"${item.username}", email:"${}", phoneNumber:"${item.phoneNumber}" }){ id name username email phoneNumber } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.updateUser }
In the block of code above, you have added to the actions
object a method named updateUser()
. In this method, you create the mutation
needed in order to update an existing document in the users
collection. After creating the mutation
, you call the sendOperation()
method and pass this mutation
as an argument. Lastly, you store the data retrieved in a variable named data
and then you return the value of the updateUser
property inside this data
Add the following code to the bottom of your actions.js
actions.deleteUser = async (id) => { let mutation = `mutation{ deleteUser(id:"${id}") }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.deleteUser }
In the block of code above, you have added to the actions
object a method named deleteUser()
. In this method, you create the mutation
needed in order to delete a document in the users
collection. After creating the mutation
, you call the sendOperation
method and pass this mutation
as an argument. Lastly, you store the data retrieved in a variable named data
and then you return the value of the deleteUse
property inside this data
You are going to do the same thing you did for users
collection in previous blocks of codes to the remaining collections as well, and then export the actions
After doing what was described above, your actions.js
file should look like this:
import fetch from "node-fetch" const actions = {} actions.sendOperation = async (operation) => { const fetchData = await fetch("http://localhost:4000/graphql", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: operation, }), }) const { data, error } = await fetchData.json(); return data } ////////////////////////// USERS ///////////////////////////// actions.getUsers = async () => { let query = `query{ getUsers{ id name username email phoneNumber } } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(query) return data.getUsers } actions.addUser = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation{ addUser(input:{ name:"${}" username:"${item.username}" phoneNumber:"${item.phoneNumber}" email:"${}" }){ id name username email phoneNumber } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.addUser } actions.updateUser = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation { updateUser(id: "${}", input: { name:"${}", username:"${item.username}", email:"${}", phoneNumber:"${item.phoneNumber}" }){ id name username email phoneNumber } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.updateUser } actions.deleteUser = async (id) => { let mutation = `mutation{ deleteUser(id:"${id}") }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.deleteUser } ///////////////////// CATEGORIES /////////////////////////// actions.getCategories = async () => { let query = `query{ getCategories{ id name } } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(query) return data.getCategories } actions.addCategory = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation{ addCategory(input:{ name:"${}" }){ id name } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.addCategory } actions.updateCategory = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation { updateCategory(id: "${}", input: { name: "${}" }) { id name } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.updateCategory } actions.deleteCategory = async (id) => { let mutation = `mutation{ deleteCategory(id:"${id}") }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.deleteCategory } /////////////////////////// PRODUCTS /////////////////////////// actions.getProducts = async () => { let query = `query{ getProducts{ id name price category{ name } dateAdded } } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(query) return data.getProducts } actions.addProduct = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation{ addProduct(input:{ name:"${}", price:${item.price}, category:"${item.category}" }){ id name price category{ name } dateAdded } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.addProduct } actions.updateProduct = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation { updateProduct(id:"${}",input:{ name:"${}", price:${item.price}, category:"${item.category}" }){ id name price category{ name } dateAdded } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.updateProduct } actions.deleteProduct = async (id) => { let mutation = `mutation{ deleteProduct(id:"${id}") } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.deleteProduct } /////////////////// INVENTORY ////////////////////// actions.getInventoryItems = async () => { let query = `query{ getInventoryItems{ id quantity product{ id name } } } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(query) return data.getInventoryItems } actions.addInventoryItem = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation { addInventoryItem( input: { quantity: ${item.quantity}, product: "${item.product}" } ) { id quantity product { name } } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.addInventoryItem } actions.updateInventoryItem = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation{ updateInventoryItem(id:"${}",input:{quantity:${item.quantity}}){ id quantity product{ name } } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.updateInventoryItem } actions.deleteInventoryItem = async (id) => { let mutation = `mutation { deleteInventoryItem(id:"${id}") } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.deleteInventoryItem } /////////////// ORDERS //////////////////////// actions.getOrders = async () => { let query = `query{ getOrders{ id quantity product{ name } user{ username } total dateAdded } } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(query) return data.getOrders } actions.addOrder = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation { addOrder( input: { quantity: ${item.quantity}, product: "${item.product}", user: "${item.user}" } ) { id quantity product{ name } user{ username } total dateAdded } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.addOrder } actions.updateOrder = async (item) => { let mutation = `mutation{ updateOrder(id:"${}",input:{quantity:${item.quantity}}){ id quantity product{ name } user{ username } total dateAdded } }` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.updateOrder } actions.deleteOrder = async (id) => { let mutation = `mutation { deleteOrder(id:"${id}") } ` const data = await actions.sendOperation(mutation) return data.deleteOrder } export default actions
In this section, you have created the file responsible for interacting with the GraphQL server and thus finishing building the application client. In the next section, you will run the application.
In this section, you will run your application, but before you do, you will create the static files for your application client.
Run the following command:
npm run build
After running this command, your application client static files will be stored in a directory named dist
Navigate to the root directory of your application server:
cd ../../../server
The folder structure of your server
directory should look like the following:
Before running the application server, create a new MongoDB instance by running the following command:
docker-compose up -d
The command above will use the information in the docker-yml
file to create a new MongoDB instance that will be accessible in the following URI mongodb://localhost:27017/mongodb
Install the node modules by running the following command:
npm install
Run the following command in order to start your GraphQL server and serve the application client:
npm start
In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:4000/
and you should see something similar to this:
Navigate to the users
route and create a new user:
Navigate to the categories
route and create a new category:
Navigate to the products
route and create a new product:
Navigate to the inventory
route and create a new inventory item:
Navigate to the orders
route and create a new order:
In this section, you have deployed your application client and started serving it using your GraphQL server.
In this tutorial, you created a frontend application for your inventory management application. First, you cloned the repository containing the application server. After cloning the repository, you created the user interface for the client using Vue
and Vuetify
and then you connected the client to the GraphQL API using node-fetch
. Lastly, you started serving your client application using the GraphQL server.
Debugging Vue.js applications can be difficult, especially when there are dozens, if not hundreds of mutations during a user session. If you’re interested in monitoring and tracking Vue mutations for all of your users in production, try LogRocket.
LogRocket is like a DVR for web and mobile apps, recording literally everything that happens in your Vue apps, including network requests, JavaScript errors, performance problems, and much more. Instead of guessing why problems happen, you can aggregate and report on what state your application was in when an issue occurred.
The LogRocket Vuex plugin logs Vuex mutations to the LogRocket console, giving you context around what led to an error and what state the application was in when an issue occurred.
Modernize how you debug your Vue apps — start monitoring for free.
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