RPC (remote procedure call), in simple terms, is a protocol that is used for client-server applications which allows software developers to request a procedure or a function call to a remote server. In this tutorial, you will be learning how to build an RPC server in Go along with an RPC client in Node.js.
You’ll need:
In this article, we will be building a chat RPC server to send a message and return descriptive details of a user. The send message procedure will accept the message body while the other will accept the user’s name and age.
In this step, you will be building your RPC server. Start by creating a new project directory by running:
mkdir rpc-server
Change directory to the newly created folder:
cd rpc-server
A protocol buffer is a data format created by Google to enable developers to generate source code based on the data and service specified for any programming language.
Create a proto
file named chat.proto
touch chat.proto
Open chat.proto
with your desired editor and paste the following code:
syntax = "proto3"; package chat; message Message { string body = 1; } message Details { string name = 1; int32 age = 2; } message Response { string body = 1; } service ChatService { rpc SayHello(Message) returns (Response) {} rpc GetDetails(Details) returns (Response) {} }
Let us go through what each block does:
syntax = "proto3";
This specifies what version of protobuf we intend to write.
message Message { string body = 1; }
This declares a Message
data object that can only contain a string element with the tag body
message Details { string name = 1; int32 age = 2; }
This declares a Details
data object that can only contain a string element with the tagged name
and an integer element with the tagged age
message Response { string body = 1; }
This declares a Response
data object that can only contain a string element with the tag body
service ChatService { rpc SayHello(Message) returns (Message) {} rpc GetDetails(Details) returns (Details) {} }
This declares a new service called ChatService
which will contain two methods, SayHello
method which accepts the Message
data object and returns Response
and the GetDetails
method which accepts Details
and returns Response
back as well. Save and exit the file.
Note: You can learn more about protobuf here.
We will generate a protocol buffer Go code based on the proto
file we wrote in the previous step. While still being in the rpc-server
directory, run the following command:
mkdir chat
This will generate a new folder named chat
within the rpc-server
directory. This is where you place our generated Go code along with the implementation of your chat.proto
file. Run the following to generate your go code off your chat.proto
protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:chat chat.proto
Note: You can learn more about Go generated code here.
This will generate a new file named chat.pb.go
in the chat
directory created earlier.
Note: Do not modify the contents of chat.pb.go
In this step, we will be implementing the methods in ChatService
as defined in chat.proto
Create a new file named chat.go
touch chat.go
Open chat.go
with your desired editor and paste the following code:
package chat import ( "fmt" "golang.org/x/net/context" "log" ) type Server struct{} func (s *Server) SayHello(ctx context.Context, message *Message) (*Response, error) { log.Println("SayHello Called") return &Response{Body: fmt.Sprintf("New Message: %s", message.Body)}, nil } func (s *Server) GetDetails(ctx context.Context, message *Details) (*Response, error) { log.Println("GetDetails Called") return &Response{Body: fmt.Sprintf("Your name is %s and you're %d years old", message.Name, message.Age)}, nil }
Let me break down the essentials:
type Server struct{}
This acts as a server interface to this ChatService
implementation, we will be using this later on to plug into the RPC server.
The first function implements the SayHello
function, when called it will log
SayHello Called
to the console while returning the Response
object along with the message body passed to it back to the client.
The second function implements the GetDetails
function, when called it will log
GetDetails Called
to console while returning the Response
object along with a custom message containing the data passed back to the client.
Both methods return error
and a pointer reference of Response
which exists as a struct in the chat.pb.go
file generated based on what we defined in chat.proto
Note: Implemented methods must return a pointer reference of what was defined in the proto
declaration and error.
In this step, you will serve the ChatService
via RPC. Change directory away from /chat
to the root of your rpc-server
cd ..
Generate mod
go mod init grpc-server/chat
Create a new file named server.go
touch server.go
Open server.go
with your desired editor and paste the following code:
package main import ( "fmt" "grpc-server/chat" "log" "net" "google.golang.org/grpc" ) func main() { listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", 9000)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } chatServer := chat.Server{} grpcServer := grpc.NewServer() chat.RegisterChatServiceServer(grpcServer, &chatServer) if err := grpcServer.Serve(listener); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
In the import block other than Go’s standard libraries, we are importing the chat package which allows you to invoke the server struct interface declared in chat.go
and call the RegisterChatServiceServer
method auto-generated for us in the chat.pb.go
, this method accepts two arguments, a new server instance of grpc
and the memory location of the chat server.
The last block serves our RPC server on port 9000
via TCP
as declared earlier in listener
. Save and exit the file. The content structure of rpc-server
should be similar to what we have below:
đź—‚rpc-server/ đź—‚chat/ đź—’ chat.go đź—’ chat.pb.go đź—’ chat.proto đź—’ go.mod đź—’ server.go
Start your RPC server by running:
go run server.go
Open a new terminal instance and create a different folder outside rpc-server
named rpc-client
by running:
mkdir rpc-client
Change directory to rpc-client
cd rpc-client
Initiate npm
npm init
Accept the default options by pressing return/enter all through to the end. Next, Install the RPC package:
npm i node-grpc-client
Create a chat.proto
touch chat.proto
Copy the contents of chat.proto
located in rpc-server
into your newly created chat.proto
. Create a new file named client.js
touch client.js
Open client.js
with your desired editor and paste the following code:
const GRPCClient = require('node-grpc-client') const path = require("path") const PROTO_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, 'chat.proto') const client = new GRPCClient(PROTO_PATH, 'chat', 'ChatService', 'localhost:9000') const message = { body: "Hello from Trojan", } const details = { name: "Trojan", age: 40 } client.runService('SayHello', message, (err, res) => { console.log(res.body); }); client.runService('GetDetails', details, (err, res) => { console.log(res.body); });
You can check out the node-grpc-client package documentation to fully understand what this does. Save and exit.
The content structure of rpc-server
should be similar to what we have below:
đź—‚rpc-client/ đź—‚node_modules/ đź—’ chat.proto đź—’ client.js đź—’ package.json đź—’ package-lock.json
Run your client code to make calls to the RPC server by executing:
node client.js
This will return the following output from the server:
It works, go ahead and check the log output from the server on its terminal tab/window:
As you can see in the image above, SayHello Called
and GetDetails Called
was logged as expected as the functions were accessed by the client.
At the end of this tutorial, you should have an understanding of how to build an RPC server in Go and how to make calls to procedures on the server via a client written in Node. You can find the repositories of both the RPC server and RPC client on GitHub.
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