Peter Ekene Eze
Jun 4, 2020 ⋅ 7 min read

How to build an ecommerce site with Strapi, Vue.js, and Flutterwave

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9 Replies to "How to build an ecommerce site with Strapi, Vue.js, and Flutterwave"

  1. Hey you missed a part about the Roles & Permissions, without updating them, the endpoint throws a forbidden error 😛

  2. Hi Ekene,
    Thank you so much for this tutorial.
    I’m having a problem in payment connecting to flutterwave. It says Invalid public key passed even if i input the correct public key.
    This is the error in my network:{“status”:”error”,”message”:”Invalid public key passed”,”data”:{“code”:”INV_PUBK”,”message”:”Invalid public key passed”}}

    I suspect it’s something related to https://ravemodal-dev.herokuapp.com/v3.js connecting to flutterwave. Any idea on how to solve this? Thanks in advance.


  3. All this sounds good, but how about adding payment valuation on our side? Flutterwave knows nothing about product prices and it means all the orders will be needed to be controlled manually.
    Ideally we should after popup close check on our server side if the payment was successful and here the mist interesting part begins: how easy is to setup connection from it to flutterwave and validate order?

  4. I think Someone can change the Flutterwave requested price, from the js console. How do i ascertain that a user payed the intended price?


  5. Hi Bogdan, very nice points you raised there. However, this post is only but an introduction to these tools, not necessarily an in-depth exposition of their features.

    The demo used in the post is also just “a demo”. Flutterwave handles payment validation and verification in a lot of ways. I’m sure you’ll find more if you look at the docs here https://developer.flutterwave.com/v3.0/docs/transaction-verification.

    In this post, I used the Flutterwave inline method, you can read more about it here https://developer.flutterwave.com/v3.0/docs/flutterwave-inline. You can also integrate via APIs https://developer.flutterwave.com/v3.0/docs/card-payments-1 It gives you more flexibility on how you handle processes and validation. Maybe some time we can deal with it in detail

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